Friday, November 30, 2012

I Think I Could Be A Hermit

Good thing we're retired or we'd never be able to keep up this pace of life.

Thanksgiving decorations are down and tucked away for another year.  My house that was so clean and sparkly a week ago is not so clean and sparkly now.  Christmas decorations are . . . well, 50% done if I stretch the truth a little.  Hope no one pops in to check out the look I've currently got going 'cause they'd say to themselves, "Hmmm.  Looks like she tried . . . and missed."

Wednesday night we got a scary call in the middle of the night which started some stress and scrambling but, I'm very happy to say, ended a lot better than expected.  (Heck, what's a potentially serious injury thrown into all the rest of the hubbub currently going on?)

We've been traveling 404 miles back and forth (okay, it's not that far . . . just feels like it) to daughter's old place helping her move out.  We had a "party" out there yesterday with good friends who helped with willing hands and strong backs, not to mention excellent packing abilities.  Got a lot done but worked 99% on outside stuff and everyone had tingling fingers and toesies at one point or another.  (Don't think the temp ever hit twenty above.)  Got back here near civilization in total darkness and unloaded by headlights.

Off for a moving day again today.  I see we got another inch of snow over night.  Hope it doesn't add to the slipperiness of daughter's 4-1/2 mile winter driveway we need to navigate on the way in and out.

Tomorrow will be a catch-up day here at home.  My favorite seed catalog came in the mail yesterday so I'll have to have hubby hide it from me until I get the holiday decorations finished.  


  1. Oooh! What's your favorite seed catalog that came already?!!??! I'm waiting for my fav - Baker Creek Heirloom Seeds. I'm ready for spring already, can you tell? LOL

    1. Freedom Acres - Johnny's Selected Seeds is the one I'm sold on because I've had such good luck with their seeds over the years. Organic and heirloom is what I try to stick with. BUT I'm sure not ready for spring at all. I wanna lie back and enjoy the long, slow (ha!) winter first!

  2. I believe they are starting those seed catalogs earlier and earlier every year. Remember when they used to come in February??
    I have 3 already........and it's not even December.
    Good luck finishing up the christmas decorating. We're supposed to have upper 50's this weekend---I got a reprieve from the weather and now HAVE TO finish the outside lights!

    1. Sue - Of course they're sending out the seed catalogs earlier and earlier! And I dislike it more and more! For Pete's sake, let us at least get through the holidays before thinking about seeds. And who are they fooling (themselves) thinking anyone will have the time to sit down and order seeds before Christmas comes and goes. We're supposed to hit 45 sometime this weekend. I'm just hoping it doesn't make ice for us when it drops back down.

  3. Not that I really mind, but those seed catalogs are starting to be just as bad as the department stores with their "lets do Christmas before Halloween is even over". I haven't even ripped up all my fall garden stuff (although i am a sloth) and now I'm getting seed catalogs??

    PS- I thought you WERE a hermit!
    But better an early seed catalog than a flyer for a crappy big screen tv or ipod, right?! :)

    1. Carolyn - Yup, yup, yup. It's all sell, sell, sell. Spend money. Send the third (same) catalog just in case they can get a little more money out of us. Arrrgh!

      I probably am a hermit compared to a lot of other people. Put me out there on a Black Friday and I'd no doubt throw myself on the ground so the frantic hordes COULD trample me. That would put me out of my misery of being out on Black Friday!!

  4. I'd rather have seed catalogs than all the medical insurance ads that have illed my mailbox for the last 2 months, I have called and written to be taken off ALL their mailing lists and still they come.

    It is raining lightly again this morning and I am sitting here watching my brown pastures turn green. Went to the feed store yesterday and the price of hay has gone up again, come on grass. Haven't even taken out any Christmas decorations yet, can't believe tomorrow is December 1st.

    1. Tombstone Livestock - Yup, trying to get the junk mail stopped is a lot like stopping those blasted phone calls soliciting whatever that don't stop even if you ask to be taken off the calling list. Grrrrr!

      Keeping my fingers crossed for your pastures turning green. Who can afford to buy and feed hay?

  5. I got mine, too! Trouble is, if I hide it from myself, will I ever find it? And I NEED it in January. So, I'm guessing that all that peaceful good sleep and creative wonderment is out the window for a while? There is nothing like moving in deep snow, in sub-freezing temperatures in the dark. Well, I guess 'hellish' would be a good description....

    1. Susan - We had such adventures coming back town way last night . . . you wouldn't believe it. I'll do a blog post on it tomorrow. Mama and Papa Pea need one more (at least) good night's sleep to recover from it.

  6. Yep, the seed catalogs are coming. Put them away in a package labeled "Do not open until January 2nd".
    I'm glad the injury ended better than expected.
    I didn't know Chicken Mama was moving. Moving is one of my least favorite things to do. Hope you finish soon.

    1. odiie - I like your idea of putting them in a box with the January opening date on them.

      The worst part of Chicken Mama's move is that she's leaving a full-blown homestead with all it's gear and a big house and going to a very small cabin . . . at least for the interim. Whadda job!

  7. I would love to simply nestle in at home and rarely leave the place..too bad so many things pull at us:)

    1. Simply Scaife Family - Well, especially when your kids are still at home and growing, it's so hard not to participate in a lot "off the homestead." But I guess the fantasy of nestling in at home is one that appeals to many of us!

  8. What Christmas decorations? Are we supposed to put up decorations? This is not my favorite time of year!

    I got Pinetree yesterday...I remember when early catalogs meant January.

    1. gld - Haha! Got a laugh out of your comment. I, too, have had years when I really, truly wanted to pretend ignorance of the whole holiday season.

      Please tell me . . . why oh why, can't the seed companies still wait until January to send out their new catalogs? Do they actually think people take the time to look at them before the holidays are over? Silly people.

  9. I bet all the decorations are up and look great by now!

    1. Erin - You just lost your bet, Friend O' Mine. Not one whit-bit has been done to further the decorating. Today. It shall happen today. I hope.

  10. Last week before I got sick, I went to a craft store in town and came home with a bag of dreams. I wanted to make some special ornaments and such but this cold bug has knocked the decorating plans right out of me.

  11. 2 Tramps - Oh, BAD time of the year to have a bad cold! Hope you're feeling better by now.

  12. I could easily be a hermit. I grew up in a solitary life style (siblings don't count) and am pretty much back to it. No problem! :)
    Foxy Lady

    1. Foxy Lady - I think those feelings are because you're such a well-adjusted individual!
