Monday, June 4, 2012

I Shall Survive

After my reaction to the sting Saturday inflicted by the Mad Bee from Hell, I am well on my way to recovery today.

My good bloggy friend, Lisa, over at Shady Grove Journal, commiserated with me and offered a whole boatload of suggestions as to precautions I need to take. She, too, suffers unpleasant allergic reactions to insect stings and bites so she knows of what she speaks. She so well described the feel that takes over my body after being stung. As she said, it's "kind of like a general malaise of sorts" for a couple of days after being stung. Yup, that's it, for sure!

When I got up yesterday morning with my hubby, I felt so crummy that I went back to bed and slept for 2 more hours. Then in the afternoon, I took another nap for a couple of hours. It felt like the thing to do to me, but I think I caused some sorry to Papa Pea because it was such an unusual happenstance that I should nap during the day.

Glad to report the swelling is much less today and rest assured I shall survive. But I also realize I need to stock up on some antihistamines and probably should finally cave and get an Epi-pen to have on hand.

I probably would have been totally safe from another bee attack, but couldn't get up the courage to venture out into the garden today because of the overcast weather . . . just the kind of conditions that make for cranky bees. I'm hoping tomorrow I will be feeling back to normal and the sun will shine down on me and those sweet bees of ours. (See, fuzzy little honey-making friends, I still do like you.)

I sincerely appreciate all the care and concern I received from all of you. Next time I have a losing argument with an angry bee or wasp or hornet, I'm going to keep mum about it. I feel I'm coming across as way too much of a wimp in this department!


  1. Not wimpy at all! Those HURT!
    Glad you are on the mend.


    1. Especially when you get stung in the old noggin!

  2. People do die from bee stings, so not wimpy at all. I think this is just one of those things in life that require suffering. Makes the honey sweeter.

    1. Jane - Can I tell you a secret? I don't even LIKE honey. It's way, way, way too sweet for me. Makes my teeth hurt. If I had to eat a teaspoon of honey, I would gag. When using it as a sweetener in baking, I have to cut the amount way down or all I would be able to taste would be the honey. My hubby, on the other hand, HAS to have it in his coffee. He never uses sugar. Different strokes for different folks, eh?

  3. So glad to hear you are feeling better. Bummer that you live the farming life and find you are now allergic to bees. But ... I suppose that is one way to get some rest from all the DIYing; however, I think in the future if I were you, I would just say "I'm tired and need a nap" rather than calling in a bee. hehehe Oh wait, are you well enough to laugh a bit yet? Hope so!

    1. Karen L. - I'm so glad I can always call on you for a laugh! I definitely vote for asserting myself when I'm pooped rather than taking a good dose of venom from a bee that is guaranteed to lay me low!

  4. You aren't a wimp at all. It's just one of the dangers of having bees and being allergic to stings. Glad to hear you got some rest and are on the mend.
    Now get out there in that garden so I can enjoy reading about all your endeavors! LOL!

    1. Sparkless - And you, m'dear, keep me on the straight and narrow! (Somebody's gotta do it.) I am feeling back to normal today and as soon as I make a big trip to our Recycling Center, I'm out in the garden!

  5. Dearest Mama Pea-I don't think there is a person in the world that could honestly call you a wimp.
    Bees are no fun to wrastle with. Glad you're feeling better. I'm a strong believer in the curative powers of rest. Take care. Hugs to you!

    1. Sue - Hee-hee, you haven't yet figured out this blog is all a facade?? I actually weigh in at 342 lbs. and have never done a day's lick of work in my life.

      I slept so much in the last couple of days when feeling punky that I woke at 4:30 this morning and stayed up! Should I have called you?

  6. I'm glad you are getting some rest, definitely get an epi pen to have on hand, allergies are known to get worse over time or disappear so either way you will be prepared! 20 years ago I wasn't allergic to cats, now my eyes swell completely shut LOL!

    1. Erin - Ha! Cats affect me the same way!

      The great getting of the epi-pen is in the works.

  7. Mama Pea, there is absolutely no way you are even close to being a 'wimp'! It is so good to hear you are feeling better and on the mend. So many folks don't understand allergies, particularly allergic reactions to stings. I'm glad you 'talked' about it in your blog and maybe helped someone else understand how serious these can be and some signs to look for. I was glad to be of any help to you my friend.

    1. Lisa - You, my friend, were a HUGE help. I think I scared Papa Pea a little this time. He kept a close eye on me and asked a time or two if I was feeling anything "unusual!"

  8. Yikes! I don't think you're a wimp at all! (I just read the post previous to this one too.) I would've been quite afraid. I hope you feel better soon.

    (PS, found you via the My Freezer is Full blog.) :)

    1. Reasonable Season - Hi and welcome! Glad you found me via Judy over at My Freezer is Full!

      I am really feeling quite good this morning. Still a little swelling but the yuck feeling is gone.

      You have quite the gardening experiment going over at your place. Best of luck to you!

  9. You as Wimp? No way, Jose! I was stung once on my chin and Holy Molasses did that hurt! Stings are nothing to laugh about, bee lover or not. Get thee out and get an epi-pen and some antihistamines and be safe and prepared. That's our Homestead Motto.

    (p.s. - When I saw the title, I felt like getting my disco on and dancing...heehee.)

    1. Someday (for a good laugh) I'll publish the pictures taken of me when a wasp got me on the eyelid. I looked like Elephant Man. Seriously.

      I thought "Be Prepared" was the Boy Scout marching song? Well, heck, Boy Scouts have nothing on we homesteading woman, do they?

      P.S. I was hoping somebody would get that!

  10. You are hardly a wimp! Erin's advice is right; allergies do seem to get worse with time. I heard in a recent beekeeping class that this is especially true with some beekeepers. If it's any consolation, be glad we do not live in Texas--insects never die, they just reproduce more, get bigger and meaner! I remember getting into bed one hot Texan night and laid my bottom on top of a very angry scorpion. That sure hurt! All I can say is that my Texan family are much tough, stronger souls than I am!--"M"

    1. "M" - OMG, you SAT on a scorpion?! If that had happened to me, I think I would be searching the bed, every night, even up here near the frozen tundra before getting into bed!

  11. Not a wimp at all! In fact, just an overly robust immune system! I would be happy to prescribe you an Epipen if you wish, knowing what I now about your reactions. In fact, PLEASE let me prescribe you one!!! I'd rather have you have it on hand and not need it than need it and not have it! Please email me if I can help you in this way!

  12. Claire - Bless you, my child! E-mail on the way . . .

  13. Oh, Mama pea, get that Epi-pen. I'll rest a lot easier if you do. I'm glad you're beginning to feel better.

  14. I'm so happy you will be continuing your outdoor life fully equipped with the necessary armor,the epi-in the mean time wear papa's bee suit ,even saying hello to the birds. the heat is on,yuck!

  15. So very glad to here you are feeling better :) Do what your body feels is right.

  16. So glad you're better but it's been a scary experience. Hopefully your bees will behave themselves in the future.
