Thursday, January 12, 2012

Who Duct Taped My Mouth??

Well, I've been hit by the curse I've heard so many of you complain of in the past.

Blogger won't let me comment on your posts! It started yesterday and I had hope with a good night's rest, the problem would be solved this morning. Not so.

So I feel as if someone has slapped a big, ol' strip of duct tape over my mouth and I can't talk with you any more. Don't know how to rectify this problem. Hoping my computer guru daughter will be able to help. Until the situation changes, I'm still here. Just silent. :o(


  1. I think a lot of people are having various problems with blogs. I thought it was just my puter giving me problems. But have seen other posts where someone else has troubles too.

    How's the snow?

  2. Do you have Internet Explorer? I had to switch to firefox to leave comments. I couldn't even follow anyone on IE.

  3. Hey, mine works this morning! I had the same problem but thought my computer was acting up on me last night. I didn't have time to do anything about it then (like holler for help from the household geeks.) Hopefully your duct tape will magically disappear!

  4. What worked for me was to sign off and clear my cookies. Restart the computer and sign on. Fixed. Good luck :)

  5. *hides the duct tape in the drawer* - Nah wouldn't be me, love reading what you have to say, and adore that you take the time to reply to our comments!! :)

  6. You might try logging out and then logging back in to blogger/Google. That sometimes works for me.

  7. Yep, I had problems blogging/commenting all day yesterday and so Ijust gave up. Today seems to be better though. Hope your duct tape gets removed soon. :)

  8. Blogger never ceases to amaze me with the weird things it does.

  9. I have to uncheck the stay signed in box in order to leave comments. Don't know why. Another mystery.

  10. Ahhh...why do I feel my turn is coming??? Yesterday I couldn't get on to a lot of blogs.....

  11. I ran into the same problem and did what odiie did - kept myself signed out and it seems to have been working.

  12. Carolyn Renee - Mmmmfff-grmm-mahmah-mmfffgg?

    Tombstone Livestock - Seems to be something contagious that's going around. Hope somebody has informed Blogger . . .

    We didn't get anymore accumulation over night. So just about an inch of snow with an icy crust underneath. Temp has been dropping all day and now we have strong gusts of wind starting up.

    Peggy - I do have Internet Explorer and I have heard of others having to switch to Firefox.

    Lori - Glad your problems have disappeared today. May they stay away!

    rugosarosefame - That's what I did and so far, so good! Thank you so much!

  13. Thanks, Stephanie! Thinking of you this afternoon and your appointment with your lawyer. Fingers crossed.

    LindaCO - Thank you, m'dear! It seems to have worked!

    Melissa - Sounds to me as though Blogger has some sort of a BIG problem if so many of us are having difficulties. What else could it be? We sure are at their mercy. :o(

    Jane - I don't feel at all easy about being so dependent on Blogger for something I enjoy so much.

    odiie - I'm taking that precaution, too. Thank, odiie.

    dr momi - I know! I haven't had a single problem with this ('til now) when I know many others have for months!

    Susan - Thanks, dearie!

  14. Oh good - it's not just me. For months now I haven't been able to leave comments on one particular blog (Hard Word homestead!). So annoying! I'll have to try some of these other solutions...

  15. That's bad, but what's worse is that I used to know the fix for that and I can't remember it now! It was something along the lines of what LindaCO suggested, it had to do with the login :)

  16. Aimee - Why should WE have to "fix it?" Isn't it a problem caused by the inner workings of Blogger??

    Erin - So far, now that I did the suggested things, I'm able to leave comments EXCEPT on a couple of blogs where the comment box seems to have totally disappeared! I can't even write a comment where before I could write it, but it wouldn't "send!" Arrrrgh.

    Stephanie - Yours is a blog that has no comment box anymore - at least for me - Susan's was like that this morning but now has returned to normal. Double arrrrgh. (Or did I say that before?)

  17. I have been having problem also since yesterday. Sometimes I can comment and sometimes I can not. When I click on one of the blogs I follow it has also sometimes given me a blank screen. I hope they fix it soon :)

  18. Kim - I sure do, too!

    dr momi and Carolyn Renee - Both of your comment sections contain no comment box for me to write in either. Waaaaah!

  19. I had some trouble yesterday that things were really slow loading or they wouldn't show 'the word'. Today things seem fine for me, of course, I just got home and on blogger.
    A few weeks ago I was having trouble with ANYTHING google related. Other sites were fine but nothing google would work right. I finally decided it was our ISP and after a day or two of frustration, it went away.
    I know you left a comment on my blog recently so hopefully you are up and running.

  20. That is really weird Mama Pea. Let me know if you still can't see my comment box over the next few days. I have a few people who commented on today's post, and I commented back. Hmmmm

  21. Since I don't have a blog, I don't have to come to MN and yank off that duct tape. See how lucky you are??? That could surely hurt ... badly! Hope your wonderful daughter can smooth things in blogland out for you. At least you can keep blogging. Duct tape on your blog would be a real bummer!

  22. Judy - Yup, I've been able to comment on all but three blogs still. Why those three, I have no idea!

    Stephanie - I know! I could see other people's comments and your reply but there was comment box (or anywhere else!) for me to write my comment. I'll keep in touch about this.

    Karen L. - I couldn't ask my daughter for help because she was unavailable but had lots of very helpful comments from other bloggers. The situation is much better . . . but not totally "right" quite yet. :o( And you're right, I could still post to my blog. Whew!
