Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Winner of Holiday Cook Books

Okay, everybody ready for some holiday cooking and baking?

I used my Mama Pea's Fine Baking tin to hold the names for the drawing of the cook books.

Only four names entered for the drawing so each of you had a good chance.

Without further suspense . . .

The winner is Akannie. Congratulations to you! If you will send me your mailing address ("Contact" button over on my right hand side bar), I'll get these two books off to you pronto.

Now it's time for all of us to put on our aprons, get into the kitchen and do some holiday baking. Mmmm-mm, I can smell those delicious aromas already!


  1. congrads to the winner,anything from momma peas is a collectible and not because of her young age ,going on 30 I think,because of her great stash,better lock up that tin,I heard through the grapevine ,Santa at the north pole wants it-oh you are at the north pole,well tell Santa we want snow for Christmas--please

  2. judy - My chronological age may be 68 (ugh, how did that happen?) but I truly-duly FEEL like I'm in my late 30s. Denial? Nope, I really feel that way.

    Santa can send some snow here for Christmas, too. Just not TOO much, please.

  3. Congrats Akannie!

    Oh, and when you say "get into those Aprons", you don't mean aprons from recently won apron patterns, do you???

  4. Congratulations to Akannie!

    I have to agree with you about age. Where did I hear it said, age is all a matter of mind. If you don't mind, it doesn't matter.

  5. Congratulations, Arkannie! Sending all our snow your way - remember - you asked for it!

  6. Carolyn - No. No. No-no-no-no-no! Good grief, no! (I'm not sure I could even find my lovely new apron pattern in this mess right now!)

    Leigh - I think it also has a lot to do with how content and happy you are in your life right now. And how many interests you have in learning and doing new things yet!

  7. Congrats Akannie! Time for me to get baking, too!

  8. Erin - I've not yet done any Christmas baking. And I won't until I (or someone else) answer the question going round and round in my head: Would something awful bad terrible happen if I DIDN'T bake any Christmas goodies this year??

  9. Susan - How much snow do you still have on the ground? We are still B-A-R-E. With temps in the 30s!!

  10. The grassy areas are still covered by, say, 3 inches or so. It's been pretty chilly (low teens in the early morning, 30s during the day) so it may hang around for a while.

  11. I have not done any baking yet either and don't really want to .... or need to eat more cookies for that matter! However, even though I am a bit scroogie this year, I will need to make some cookie press butter cookies and some pizzelles just because I love them and we make them every year no matter what! Better go get started ..... (We did get a small care package of Tastykakes from a PA friend. That made me smile for sure.)

  12. Congrats Akannie!!!
    Love the tin. No snow here, please. It's cold enough without it. We can't keep the fire going enough as it is now.

  13. Susan - It almost seems as if you have the beginning of snow that will be with you all winter. At least you've not had another bunch dumped on you yet!

    Karen L. - Yup, it will just not seem right if I don't bake SOME Christmas cookies. I'll feel like such a Scrooge if someone stops over for coffee or whatever and I don't have ANYTHING holiday-ish to set out. (Uh-oh, I'm wavering . . . )

    Lori - Nope, I don't think you'd last through a winter here in northern Minnie-soda! ;o}
