Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Pushing Along

Still no snow in these here parts. The temperature on this partly sunny day rose to the low 20s but we've had a wicked wind blowing for the last two-thirds of the day that about knocked you flat out and made you feel like it was 20 below zero.

We're working on getting the paneling up in the living room.

This is the left side of the wall of windows looking out to the south.

The other half of the south wall. The stud wall you see to the right in the picture is the wall of the enclosed stairway. It will get paneling on it, too.

This is the wall shared with the kitchen. You get a glimpse of a storage cabinet in the kitchen through the doorway.

The paneling sure is a marked improvement over the studs and foil-backed insulation. (Just about anything would be.)

We're hoping the wind (which I can hear still howling as we speak) dies down over night because we're going to try to get in another day to finish up the wood pile in back tomorrow. Can hardly believe we're getting by so long without getting snow on it.


  1. Just a dusting of snow here too. No wind though....brrrrr.

    Don't work to hard!

  2. dr momi - I can't believe how hard it's still blowing out there. Brrrr is right!!

    Yup, this hard work is gonna have to stop. We be getting pooped! :o\

  3. Things are looking good around your home. 76F here tomorrow... wish it would turn cold and snow. I have a question. Does your log splitter not sit upright? When I am splitting wood I set it upright so I don't have to lift or roll the heavy pieces of wood up to be split. Not sure if all splitters do this but it sure saves my back.

  4. Burrr! I hate putting drywall up. You are drywalling right? Lots of insulation I hope. 24 here today and that is cold for us here! Keep warm!

  5. What kind of insulation is that foil backed stuff you used? Is there a reason to use that and not the fiberglass stuff? Just curios.
    Love the paneling.

  6. I love the paneling-looks so warm and inviting...which, considering the temps--is kinda nice. Don't send that wind my way! It's been so dead calm lately--gets us caught up on burning that huge pile of brush.
    Still no snow here either. Frustrating to see them WAY south of me getting it. And this was the winter they called for HEAVY snows. Ha!
    (hope it doesn't show in March when we have to head out!!!)

  7. you they sell heavy duty insulation for the frozen tundra?another busy day -out to the VA to see how Jerry's lymph glands are doing and I have strep to boot,whats going out to the germy VA gonna harm,whats a few more germs--ACKKKKKKK-no rest for the wicked.

  8. how did she get on here ,she's not even here -sorry momma pea

  9. I love that paneling! Is it stained at all, or just left natural? It's bright and sunny:)

  10. Peggy - Our splitter is an older, vertical model. Sigh. Not an option to sit it upright. (It's still lots better than splitting by hand though!)

    Nancy - No, no drywall except for the area in the corner where a wood stove will go. We'll put up drywall and then cover it with a fireproof material (spacer between drywall and fireproof layer) and then decorative brick.

    Gosh, your cold temps are rivaling ours!

    Sparkless - The foil-faced insulation has a couple of layers of bubble-wrap sealed in between the front and back layers of foil which reflect infra-red heat. We put it as a top layer over fiberglass insulation. Maybe over-kill but we sure do have a warm house!

    Sue - Thanks! Isn't the snow pattern crazy? Lots of snow south of us, too. What's happening??

    judy - You've got to take care of yourself, Lady! Lots of germs going around everywhere it seems. They say to stay away from hospitals 'cause there are too many germs there! Amen.

    Stephanie - We bit the bullet and bought pre-finished paneling because I didn't know how I was going to manage to get a polyurethane finish on it this time of year. It is finished with a poly coating but there is no color whatsoever to it which leaves the lodge pole pine very light in color.

  11. Boy, whenever I feel overworked during the day, I just check out your blog and suddenly I realize how lazy I actually was. Seriously, you are working harder than Santa's elves at the moment. Temps. here are in the low 60's today but suppose to fall tonight. And by here, I mean north central NC. Cannot believe that it is December. Santa will have to put wheels on his sleigh this year, I'm afraid.

  12. Your livingroom is looking nice. I like the light colors too. You must be a good influence on me because my kitchen and livingroom are almost ready for their first coat of paint.

  13. Karen L. - Doesn't it seem to be warmer than normal all over the country this winter season? I keep reminding myself that no snow here makes it easier to get around but I've never liked this in between season after the leaves and color are gone and it's just the drab, barren landscape before snow. (Soon I may be complaining about shoveling and plowing snow!)

    odiie - You're going to be all bright and fresh with new paint for Christmas!

  14. Wow! Is that looking nice! Nothing like frigid temps and the threat of snow to move you along, right? It seems as if the end is in sight - or at least the end of unsightly foil-backed insulation! Hang in there, kiddo!

  15. You know, I never liked paneling, but in looking at your pictures, realize now that this is because the old stuff was always so dark. Yours looks light, and fresh, and and homey. A real treat for the eyes!

  16. Susan - We've lived with that insulation for way too long and I can't tell you how wonderful it feels to cover it up!!

    Leigh - Well gosh, thanks, Leigh! That means a lot because after posting those pictures I thought, "Those pictures with those big, black windows staring back don't look very attractive at all!" It still looks like a half finished, under construction room . . . but I can finally start to see that it really will be cozy and warm and inviting when it's done. I'm pretty sure. :o]

  17. We had our first dusting this week. They are saying this is the longest we've gone in some time. I am ok with that. Bet you are too. Now dust of another kind, like what you have...that's another story! No shortage here either!

  18. Drywall is an offense in Minnesota, LOL! I saw that and had to laugh, knotty pine is a culture for us :) Things are coming along!
