Thursday, November 3, 2011

It May Be Time

We had our coldest temp of the season this morning . . . 23 degrees. And the frost was definitely on the pumpkin.

Or at least on the strawberries. It may be time to cover them with their winter blanket of mulch. Don't think we've ever gone this late in the season before covering them.

We even had a light covering of skim ice on the pond this morning.

Time for all of us good little homestead-y people to settle in for a long winter and tons and tons of leisure, free time. HAHAHAHAHA!

(That big thump you just heard was yours truly going over the edge.)

Oh, I almost forgot. In my never-ending quest for that Perfect Loaf of Rye Bread, I tried another recipe this morning.

Here are the loaves before I set them to rise. If it turns out, you'll hear more about it. If it ends up in the Bah-Humbug-Yuck file, you'll never see or hear of it again.


  1. Free time? Good one. You are one funny gal!

    Good luck on the bread. I've got 43,789 cookbooks here if you run out of recipes.....LOL!

  2. I've got lots of free time coming up as well (cue hysterical laughter here as well!!). At least try to take it a little easier in the next few months.

  3. The padded truck will be pulling up your driveway any moment...those loaves sure look delish. Hope to hear more about them :o) I haven't mulched my strawberries either. Once the remaining six inches of snow that are presently blanketing them melts, I MAY remember to cover them up.

  4. I can never find a decent loaf-bought or otherwise-we will be waiting to see a scrumptious deli type sandwich-oh and that last comment from before "your gonna hire someone to do your sleeping" really sent me over the edge-SLEEP TIGHT DON'T LET THE NIGHT MARE BUGS BITE

  5. With the cold temperatures we have had today (after being in the mid 70s yesterday!), I am drooling over your bread. I think I may have to go bake some just to warm our house up!

  6. Oh it looks frosty there! We have had snow all around us but none here that I've seen. That's the good part of living in a mountain valley, it's warmer down here than up in the mountains.
    Funny you are making rye bread cause I just bought a loaf. I only buy one about every couple of months for a treat. I've never been able to make a decent loaf of rye. If yours turns out I'll give your recipe a try though. I love rye bread and sourdough too.

  7. Its about time! I have sent your weather back and you should be expecting more than just a little frost on the pumpkin. And I am counting on January to be able to sit down. Maybe February I can schedule in to read a book.

  8. Sue - And I thought I was over-doing it with my 200+ cook books!

    Judy - I'll try to take it a little easier if you will. I think you're one of the busiest gals in Blogdom!

    Susan - If you manage to get a nice, heavy snow cover (your 6" or more) that stays on the ground, that will be sufficient mulch for your strawberries. We usually get too much freezing and thawing on the bare plants before a covering of snow.

    judy - I'm taping a sign on the wall over my head on the pillow tonight: "Sleep tight, don't let the nightmare bugs bite!" Do ya think it will work?

    Prairie Cat - There's hardly anything that will make a house feel warmer and cozier than home baked bread!

    Sparkless - Someday (SOMEDAY, I say) I'm going to learn how to make sourdough bread. My favorite!

    Jane - Do you still have any snow on the ground? (Ooops, maybe that's a sore subject.) I like your plan: January and February of 2012 shall be official Sit On Our Butts months. (How can we make that happen?)

  9. Brrrrr.... Free time, yeah right! Your pictures are beautiful tho! Stay warm!

  10. Hi Mama Pea! Ya'll live in such a pretty place. We haven't had a good frost, yet, and it actually seems a little late to be still so warm here....though at times seems kinda' c-c-c-cold to me. Probably all in one's perspective?! A comment on your bread too - those loaves looked absolutely beautiful! Have a good day!

  11. Ruth - Thanks, m'dear! It is getting frosty now. We haven't yet been banking a fire for overnight and these mornings it's been in the low 60s in the house. Not awful, terrible, bad but not real comfortable for those first couple of hours either!

    Lisa - I guess the grass always does look greener! I think your area of the country is gorgeous. And, yes, temperature is relative. These 20 degree nights will seem downright balmy when we're in a 20 BELOW spell this winter!

  12. That's a pretty thick covering of frost!

  13. Erin - We had the same this morning, too. Only 26 degrees though. It ain't summer anymore!
