Saturday, July 2, 2011

Storm Addendum

I had to add this update to the post I made earlier this morning about the storm last night.

Chicken Mama had it much worse than we did losing several big trees in and around her yard area. She'll do a blog post with pictures of her storm adventures later today.

She has a half hour of travel on gravel, heavily forested roads before her last half hour of travel on highway to get into town. Being the prepared woodswoman she is she knew enough to throw her chainsaw in the car before leaving home. And she did need it to clear the road in spots before being able to pass through.

This is what the best dressed woodswoman wears to do her chainsawing work on the way into the office. That's our girl!


  1. LOVE that picture!!! That is what every best-dressed chainsawer needs to wear!

  2. Now that's a stylish way to cut up wood! Prepared for anything--you raised a fine and independant gal!

  3. Way to go CM! Remind me never to mess with the girl in the dress! What else you hiding under there?

  4. LOL! I love that picture! Nothing better than a well prepared woman especially a stylish one.

  5. Chainsawing her way to the art festival, no doubt LOL, that's classic "up nort" femininity! Love it!

  6. Oh, she really isn't somebody I'd want to mess with. Good for her, for being strong and independent. Good for you for raising such a self-reliant person.

  7. Joining the chorus--by now is it an "old saw?"--Chicken Mama sure can rock the skirt/blouse/chainsaw ensemble!!! I think we should do an inspirational calendar of homesteading women with the tools of our trade: chainsaw, manure fork, scythe, etc. AND I want you and CM to do a roadtrip so take all the pictures. I volunteer for "scythe!"

  8. MaineCelt, Oh. My. Gawd. I am taking that and RUNNING with it!!!!! I'm gonna go do a post on my blog now about it. Go check it out in 15 minutes or so.

  9. Chicken Mama-- waiting with baited breath here...after my own long day, I'm hittin' the sack, but I'll keep an eye out for your next post!

  10. Oh. My. Gosh! That is the best picture ever!! Impressive!!

  11. Love me a woman with power tools! Visiting from somewhere I've already forgotten, that's how good a servant is my memory...not.

  12. Love the photo, my heroine. I have a chainsaw (but much smaller for when I'm pruning my apple trees) but put me in a skirt with that saw and I would be in a lot of trouble.

  13. Hey, Everybody - So much fun to see this picture struck such a cord with all of you. (We all be birds of a feather!)

    MaineCelt, you have definitely started something here! Hoping for great participation. (I thought the idea of CM and I traveling the Blogland countryside to snap the pictures sounded great. Too bad it's just not the right time for it to happen! :o{)
