Friday, December 3, 2010

It's Done!

Whew. I finished the wall hanging at 5:30 this afternoon for Chicken Mama's open house and sale tomorrow. Whew again.

Here are some pictures so you can see the process.

First I laid out all the 2" squares on my design wall, stood back and took a good look. Some squares needed to be changed and rearranged, but I quickly realized that I could stand there and make changes for two or three days if I didn't say "Good enough!" and get on with it. Next step was to start sewing the squares together. The size of the thing sure does shrink right down when you start putting the squares together with quarter inch seams.

All squares sewn together and ready for the applique on top of the background. The plain blocks in the center are just muslin squares I used as "plugs" because the applique will completely cover that area.

A big, green evergreen tree went on first. That was easy.

Then started the painstakingly s-l-o-w process of fussy cutting out all the decorations for the tree, putting them on bonding material, cutting them out again and then bonding them to the tree. Doesn't look like that much now that it's done, but believe you me, it took days.

Chicken Mama asked that I put a "Welcome" block on the bottom of the piece so I constructed that to fit as part of the wall hanging.

After the tree was fully decorated, there were wrapped gifts to make and arrange under the tree.

Here's a detail of the applique on the tree. Darn good thing all the individual pieces were just bonded on with heat; I would never have lived through traditional applique and sewing them on by hand. And you can see they were too detailed to do by machine.

And here is the finished piece. I'll get a picture of it on the door to Chicken Mama's office tomorrow at the open house.

See you there!


  1. Congratulations! It is very pretty, especially the fussy cut florals on the tree.

  2. Just in the nick of time!!! Just the way I work sometimes! Makes it all theo more exciting!! ;) You've made your daughter a beautiful quilt! good job.

  3. This is absolutely beautiful. I couldn't imagine doing something like this.

  4. Oh-My-Gosh!

    I totally get why you were in panic mode! That is alot of work and you did AWESOME! That is super cool!

    Do your fingers hurt where your scissors gouged holes from holding them so long???

    And I understand now the applique issue. Man o man...yer good!

  5. That is absolutely GORGEOUS! I guess now you can see why my answer to your previous question was I don't always enjoy the process of cutting out all the fiddly bits, but it's hard not to be pleased when the end result is so lovely.

    Now, just be careful how it gets washed because I've found those bit are prone to peeling up if not also quilted...

  6. I knew you'd make it in time! It turned out wonderful!! And now you can relax?? Hope the open house goes well for Chicken Mama--with a quilt like that greeting everyone, it's sure to be a success!

  7. Beautiful, Lovely, Fantastic, and the nicest thing I have seen this season!

  8. I don't necessarily understand all the lingo, but I do understand it to be complete rocket science! And it's GORGEOUS! Is Chicken Mama prepared to part with it? - because those customers of her are going to be asking LOL! Have a great time today and give her my best wishes for a successful day and great turnout with lots of word-of-mouth advertising once people stop by!

  9. Absolutely Gorgeous!!!!!

  10. Fantastic!! You did good Mama Pea! Deadlines have a way of pushing us to the limit don't they?

    With such a greeting, all the customers will enter with a smile and buy lots of Chicken Mama's things.

  11. It's fabulous! Good job getting it finished on time! I hope her open house is a booming success.

  12. Oh my word, woman! No wonder you were a tad stressed! What a lot of work. It turned out just lovely. Now, go sit down and stare off into space for a long, long time. You deserve it.

  13. Oh my gosh this is stunning! Your work is exceptional and the fabric prints are just great. Oh how we all understand now that we see! 8]

  14. Karen - You mean the same fussy cut florals that gave me nightmares? ;o)

    Beth - Thanks so much. At least I didn't have to pull an all-nighter last night to complete it!

    Val - Oh, but you could do it! You'd attack it the same way you are doing with the lovely embroidery!

    APG - Thanks, m'dear. My fingers got hurt more by the singe marks from trying to hold those tiny pieces down and bond them with the iron!

    Jen - There's no way this puppy is EVER getting washed! It will die a quiet death covered with dust and dirt 'cause I KNOW it wouldn't survive a washing.

  15. Sue - I did relax this afternoon (after making two trips to Chicken Mama's sale -- check blog post I'll do after I'm done here). So much so that I fell asleep in the recliner trying to read the newspaper!

    Jane - Aw fer Pete's sake, kind lady, yer makin' me blush!

    Erin - I gave CM your best wishes. Sure hope nobody asks if I would make another one. I hate to be such an old poop, but the answer would be nothankyouverymuch. :o)

    JJ - You've been sniffing the kids' school glue again. I am NOT amazing! (Thank you for being so sweet.)

    Stephanie - Thanks so much, kind lady.

    Yvette - Yessiree, deadlines do produce results! And ulcers. Thank you!

    Judy D - Thanks! I'm eager to hear her final reporting also.

    ThyHand - Yep, it was sure one of those "what have I gotten myself into" moments. (Weeks?)

    cmarie - Such lovely words you've bestowed upon me. Thank you so much.

  16. Oh my, it's beautiful! Very well done indeed.

  17. Leigh - Thank you for the kind words. I like it lots more . . . now that it's done! ;o)

  18. Congratulations on finishing it in time! Amazing what a deadline will do for us, huh?? It's beautiful, and I'm sure it's new recipient loves and appreciates it, and all the hours of work you put into it. Nice job!

  19. Lori - Chicken Mama picked out this particular wall hanging because she liked it so much so I know she does appreciate it. And I appreciate that I'm done with it! :o)

  20. Good lord! What an intricate piece! No wonder you were at it for days. But it is absolutely beautiful, Mama Pea. You did such a wonderful job - from the colors, to the details. It is a true work of art!

  21. That is just beautiful! I'm not a quilter. Is it an original design?

  22. Susan - Thank you for your kind words. My addled brain is nearly back to normal now. The tension in my neck and shoulders is gone, too.

    odiie - No, no, not an original design at all but rather a purchased one. I'm definitely not an "art quilter" but more a quilter who enjoys working with the old-fashioned quilt blocks of our foremothers! This one was out of my box and done because my daughter chose it.

  23. Claire - Why, thank you, ma'am! Chicken Mama knows how to pick 'em.
