Wednesday, December 1, 2010

In Near Panic Mode

Chicken Mama's sale and open house in her "new" office space in town is this Saturday. Because of one thing and another that has kept her from getting everything done earlier, she's currently working her little buns off trying to get ready . . . without losing all of her marbles in the process.

So what's my problem? Well, I promised her a new quilted wall hanging for her door by Saturday to replace the fallish/Thanksgivingish one presently hanging there.

Little did I know this project would throw me into panic mode, too.

The pattern is a watercolor quilt background with appliqued decorated Christmas tree and boxed gifts. (Mama Pea has never cared for watercolor quilts. That's okay. It's good for her to work outside her comfort zone every now and then. Gnash, gnash.)

I do enjoy doing hand applique. Fortunately, this applique is done using a different method. So then why do I say "fortunately?" Well, these pieces are merely pressed on with a bonding material. An easier, quicker process. Right? Right. And a darn good thing, too, or I would have needed about two years to complete this particular wall hanging doing hand applique. Unfortunately, the appliques are extremely detailed and have required hours and hours (and a few more hours) of fussy cutting and intricate arrangement.

I feel so unsure if I will have time to get it finished for Saturday that I don't even have time to post pictures of the hateful --- whoops, I mean complicated --- project right now.

Will I get it done for Saturday's big day? I. don't. know. But, wait, that's not an option. I will get it done. I think. I hope. Stay tuned.


  1. I know if anyone can do it, you can Mama Pea. And I am sure it will be beautiful.

  2. You must be beside yourself, since you are now referring to yourself in the third person LOL! I know you can do it, and it will be beautiful! We belong to a special group of people that thrive under pressure... RIGHT????? :)

  3. You go girl, I know you can do it!! Can't wait to see it.

  4. Mama, does it have to be hand appliqued? Could you use a nice blanket stitch on your machine?

    I know you will get it done regardless and I am looking forward to the pictures!!!

    You can do it!!

  5. I feel your pain - I've done that fussy cutting and fusible applique stuff and it is time consuming. I'm sure you'll get it done though - and can't wait to see it!

  6. Best of luck to BOTH of you!!!!
    I know you're gonna get done---even if you end up staying up half the night. You're just that type--really good egg or............
    Possessed??? Dedicated??

  7. great - I've just absorbed a bunch of tense-ness after reading this post. I need to go find something soothing and in-control now thankyouverymuch. I can't wait to see it though! I'll be back.

  8. Jane - Talk about total support! Thank you!

    Erin - If I'm beside myself, does that mean there is another one of me here to help?

    Thrive under pressure? Nuh-uh. You forget I'm a basically lazy person who's trying to come forth. ;o)

    Mama Tea - We're you a cheerleader in school? Thanks!

    APG - The good thing about this is that the applique is just bonded on with an iron. Bad thing is that there is so much of it in the center that the piece just about stands alone and is hard to work with!

    Kaytee - So you cheered on the same squad as Mama Tea?? Thanks, dear.

  9. Jen - Did you enjoy it? I think this project has made me realize that my strong suit in quilting is the actual old-time piecing . . . and not much of any part of the more artistic, modern quilts. A learning experience!

    Sue - . . . or cracked!! I got up at 3:30 yesterday morning 'cause I couldn't sleep thinking about how much I had yet to do on the piece. This morning was better. I'm hoping the next two days will put me "over the top" and I can relax.

    Lorie - Ya think so? I HOPE so. Thank you, m'dear.

    cmarie - Maybe I should have put an anti-stress warning at the top of the post! This time of year we all have enough of our OWN stuff to stress about. Don't you go taking any of mine! ;o)

  10. Of course you know that, if this was a piece that was well within your comfort zone, this baby would have been done weeks ago! A challenge is always nice, but the angst that goes with it makes it as easy as pushing string. You can do it! Then bake yourself a pie and open a nice bottle of something. You deserve it!

  11. I have a bit of extra time and sooo wish I could come help both of you! Or I wish I could send elves to you both! Grit your teeth and git 'er done!!! Good old Oregon grit and I know MN grit is the same way!!

    You both CAN do it!!

  12. Oh Mpea, reading this reminds me of my three most loved (and used) sayings:

    1) It seemed like a good idea at the time!

    2) I'm so far behind that if I look straight ahead I can see my own butt in front of me...

    3) I get lots of exercise - dodging deadlines!

    Kidding aside, I have no doubt you'll get'er done (as we say in these parts, lol)

    You may be sleep deprived and temporarily insane by completion, lol but you will. Just keep referring to saying #1 :-)

    ps It will be beautiful and your daughter is going to love it. Can't wait to see!

  13. When you say watercolors, is that the same as batiks?

    Well I for one am anxiously awaiting the big reveal!

  14. Alright, give it up! We want to see photos of the now infamous advent calendar on your fridge! You can thank your daughter for publicizing that :)

  15. Susan - "As easy as pushing string." I love it! I have actually avoided going into my quilt studio (can you believe that?) because I was so not enjoying the process. It's much better now.

    Yvette - We're sending you a plane ticket. Start packing.

    Faye - Yupper, your #1 has been my mantra for a long time. Why don't we learn???

    APG - Nope, not using batiks. Watercolor is a technique which uses small squares of floral fabrics to build a subtle and diffused design. The "water" comes in because the squares are supposed to "flow" from one to the other. It's been likened to Impressionistic painting.

    Erin - Just put up a short post with picture of advent calendar on refrigerator door!

  16. Did I enjoy the process? Hmmm... I like the complex patterns that I can make with the fussy pieces and fusible but not always the process. And the fact that no matter what the manufacturer says, that fusible web does NOT make a permanent bond. I have always had to add stitching which isn't easy with the glue making things thick.

    I guess my answer is yes and no and it depends....
