Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Knitting Socks Is Contagious

Hey, Erin!

I just finished a pair of hand knitted socks, too.


Whadda ya mean, mine don't count??


  1. Those are so cute! I'm trying to find a pattern right now for my boys and my niece... I have several books from the library to look through. You can probably size them by memory but not me! I'll be able to show you mine tomorrow, just finished turning the heel and I'm stopping for the night. I have about 13 hours in this pair, LOL! Who the he(( does Japanese cabling for her 2nd pair of socks ever knitted? Obviously I'm insane! Are those for a Christmas gift?

  2. Love your little socks. Will they be a gift as Erin asked, or a decoration for Christmas?

    Socks make me nervous, I guess I just need to dig in and take it one step at a time ...

    Did you have any damage around your place? I saw Chicken Mama's pictures.


  3. Oops, I should have remembered your previous post with the pictures of trees down ... time for bed!

  4. Adorable....and with two colors...surely they do count. :)

  5. Those are adorable! I love to knit socks. I'm a bigger and bigger fan of sport weight yarn on something bigger than 1 1/2 needles these days.

    I just saw a class at my LYS (local yarn store) for toe-up, two at a time socks, and I'm seriously considering it.

  6. Are those for the Chickens?? I know you said fleece but...:)

  7. Now I could probably handle making some itty-bitty's. That makes me think I can at least. Otherwise, I need to finish the second to the one I made Oh, about 2 years ago! ;)

    I miss flip flop season...hate wearing socks.

  8. Adorable! It must be sock season - I'm working on some baby socks for a great trade with a weaver friend. I knit two pair of baby socks, a baby sweater & hat and she weaves me a one-of-a-kind window transparency. Her transparencies are beautiful, woven with linen. So, what munchkin gets those socks?

  9. Erin - Don't give me credit for being able to work without a pattern when knitting. (I'm not that bright!) I can make adjustments and fake a part or two but I need directions to start from.

    Like ignorant bliss, sometimes a little insanity will get you far in life. ;o)

    The little stockings will get an I-cord loop on top so they can be hung on a cabinet knob or as a tree decoration. Yep, I'll include them with little gifts.

    Yvette - I'm sure you could do a one-color, simple sock with no problem at all being the crafty kinda gal you are.

    Don't feel funny having asked about the damage . . . my brain cells start checking out every day around 4:30 p.m. You wrote your note at 11:21 p.m.!!

    Lorie - Yeah! Right! They DO count! ;o) (Thanks!)

    Linda - TOE-UP socks?! I've never done that. Take the class and then give us all a blow-by-blow look-see into doing them!

    Jane - Sadly, I can just imagine all that yarn caked with chicken . . . poop!

    APG - Hey, if that second sock has been waiting for 2 years, it will seem like a totally new knitting experience now! I say go for it. Post a picture of the first one and we'll all cheer you on to get that second one done.

    (Have you noticed a lot more socks come through the laundry these days now? Funny how that happens.)

    Susan - Ooooh, GOOD deal you made with your friend! Be sure to post a picture of the knitted garments before you give them to her, okay?

    I think these little ornament socks would be too narrow for chubby baby feet/legs. But they sure do have darling patterns out now for socks for little ones. (Hunh. No, NO, NO!! I've got way too many things on my wanna do list already!)

  10. Those are so cute! I really want to learn to knit one day.

  11. Jen - Thank you! I have no doubt you would be an excellent knitter if you do decide to take it up.
