Monday, December 21, 2009

We've Got Snow!

Yippee-skippy! We woke this morning to about 4" of snow. Enough to provide insulation for outdoor plantings and water lines, and we're pretty much assured of a White Christmas now.

We took a walk out the driveway this morning to put something in the mailbox before our mail lady came by.

Zoey, the Wonder Dog, says, "Could somebody carry me? I've got ice balls stuck between my toes."

A view of part of the snow-covered driveway.

Roy coming back from the mailbox.

Mother Nature has finally pulled up the blanket and tucked the gardens in for the winter.

Four more days until Christmas! I have all my goodies made . . . except for Caramel Corn. I'm tempted to skip it this year. I wonder if my favorite son-in-law would cry if there wasn't a big bag of it in his stocking? Although I don't usually eat much Caramel Corn myself, for some reason I have a taste for it this year. Oh heck, I'll just go do it and be done with it. As so often happens, thinking about doing it or not doing it has taken more time than the actual task!

Hope the next four days aren't too hectic for you. Enjoy the season! (A couple of glasses of cheer probably wouldn't hurt either.)

P.S. If any of you are interested in quilts or quilting, I've got a new "Featured Quilt of the Week" post over on my quilting blog today.


  1. Happy it snowed! There would be something very WRONG if you didn't get a white Christmas up there!

  2. Yea-snow!! Send it my way-our snowmobile trails are beaten down and need a fresh layer!!
    Glad you got all your goodies done-I'm assuming you've gone and done the caramel corn-good stuff!

  3. Hi, Erin - Yep, it feels SO much better with a few inches of snow covering on the ground. Now you can bring on Christmas!

    Hi, Sue - Up here in Da Nort country, we just aren't getting our fair share so far this year, are we? Betcha some people on the East Coast would be glad to send us theirs!

  4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  5. Love your duck picture.
    Tucking in, awaiting the storm, by Duluth.

  6. Hi, Deanna - Sure LOOKS like we're gonna get it this time. Glad we're not traveling in the next couple of days!

    Thanks for commenting, and Happy Holidays!
