Thursday, October 9, 2008

This Lady Needs Some Help

My caboose is draggin' low today. I'm feeling outta gas and can't find any oompf. Outside it's very gray and blowsy, inside we've got a small crackling fire going in the wood stove. Makes me want to hibernate.

I'm also getting frustrated that I still haven't had time to spend in my quilt room and satisfy my need to get my hands on some fabric, sit at my sewing machine and create. The new fall shower curtain I started weeks ago is still on my design wall, far from being finished. Just haven't found the time to get in there and work on it.

One of the things I want/need to change in my life is to structure it so I do have more time to quilt. It's something that's good for me and is important to me. Last night I was noticing the fall decorations as I walked through the house.

This wall hanging isn't original. Those of you who quilt will recognize the distinctive style as a Thimbleberry pattern. This little bare wall space in the livingroom is where I keep a seasonal wall hanging year 'round. After summer, I used to put up one of fall leaves I made, and then hang this one for a short time before Thanksgiving. But I like it so much that the last couple of years, I've skipped hanging the fall leaves and put my pumpkins up at the end of summer.

In our bedroom we have one wood paneled wall that's big enough to hang a good sized quilt for decoration. The one that I have up now is, I think, my favorite quilt to-date. I know it doesn't show on my picture, but the quilting on it is gorgeous. I didn't do it. (Rats. I should have lied about this.) It was done by a gal in town who gave up her quilting business because she felt she never did a good enough job. (Eee-gods, what we don't do to ourselves!) This quilt is not an original design either. (Hmmm, let's analyze this. Why do I not like my own designs best? Hmmm.) It's a pattern by Kim Diehl. I adore everything she does. I want to be Kim Diehl.

Well, that will have to do for my quilting fix for right now. I will make it into my quilt room soon. It's the only space in the house that is mine alone. Mine, all mine. Mine, mine, mine. It's important to have a space of your own. And to find time to get in it!

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