Monday, September 8, 2008

Yarning and Yawning

At the end of each day, Roy and I try to take time to sit together to chat and wind-down before going to bed. Sometimes there isn't a lot of conversation, we just like being in close proximity while he reads (this man has an unquenchable thirst for knowledge often reading material that is highly technical and dry as dust --- or, okay, stuff I don't have the intelligence to understand), and I read (give me a good novel any day) or do handwork. During the summer when I'm so physically active during the day, I generally grab some handwork to do because within minutes of getting comfortable and sitting still to read, I fall asleep.

This is a new winter scarf I've been working on . . . and which last night came to a screeching halt. Ran out of yarn. I purchased only one skein as it's lovely, unbelievably soft baby alpaca, and was a wee bit pricey. But now that I'm well into the scarf, I just have to have more yarn to give me the length I want. The yarn shop is about 25 miles down the road but also on the way to The Big City where we will be going shortly (this week?) to pick up one of our vehicles we left there for repair.

Guess I'll have to rely on scintillating conversation to keep me awake for a few nights now until I can get more yarn.

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