Thursday, September 4, 2008

A Day Off and Itchy Fingers

Roy and I are taking a "day off" today. We were planning on recreating out and about . . . we have a favorite lake not too far from here (and close to a great place to stop for lunch!) where we planned to put in the canoe and do some leisurely paddling and sight-seeing. But, wouldn't ya know it, the guy who we've been waiting on to show up to fix a leaky windshield called yesterday saying he was going to be in our area today and might be able to stop at our place. Might? Not for sure, but might. Grmpf. That means we have to stick close to home all day hoping he will show up. Anybody out there want to make a bet?

So we decided to take our lemons and make lemonade. We'll still take a day off. It's just that we're spending it at home. We each get the day to do whatever we want for fun and enjoyment all day. Work type projects are off limits. Gotta admit, this is really, really hard for me to do. Guess it's because I'm the one who's mainly in charge of keeping the house and running the household. Every time I walk through a room, I see at least ten things that NEED to be done and it's hard to ignore. (A good set of horse blinders is helping.) But the best place to go to get away from all the "must-dos"? My quilt room, of course.

I mentioned in my last blog entry that I had purchased some fabric for my soon-to-be new fall shower curtain. Actually, I only bought the print that I plan on using as a border on either side of the Flying Geese strips and an ecru/beige piece that will be the background for the geese. This morning I spent a lot of time going through my stash picking out greens, blacks, oranges and golds that I'll use for the geese.

I know lots of quilters say that picking out the various fabrics for a project is their favorite part. Not me. Uh-uh. No, no, no. I think it's because I don't feel confident in my color expertise. (Okay, so I don't even HAVE any expertise in that aspect of quilting.) It takes me forever to make a selection that I'm happy with, and then . . . I still have my doubts. But it's done now, for better or worse, so let the fun part begin.

This afternoon I'll start cutting and piecing. My itchy quilting fingers are going to get some relief. Stay tuned for pictures of Flying Geese on my design wall.

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