Wednesday, September 29, 2021

My Sense of Direction is Pathetic

 Yesterday I had an errand to run and Papa Pea suggested he go along and afterward, we would go on a short leaf-looking tour as it seems as though the autumnal colors may have reached their peak in our neck o' the woods.

When we're in a vehicle together, he does about 99% of the driving because 1) I have never enjoyed driving, and 2) he says he's more comfortable driving than being a passenger.  Good deal, right?

Yesterday I was feeling generous and offered to drive so he could sit back and enjoy the scenery.  Surprisingly, he readily agreed to the arrangement.

Off we went, made our necessary stop on one of the back roads and then headed off for our color tour.  We did see some lovely scenery.

I drove over some areas of the county we'd not been in for some time.

However, there came a point when I didn't know where we were.  I hadn't passed any of the landmarks I thought we should be passing.  I couldn't figure out when and where I got on the road we were on and off the road I thought we should have been on.

Papa Pea was enjoying being chauffeured around and assumed I knew where I was going.  (Ha.)

As I was about to expose my ignorance (and once again admit my total lack of directional sense), we came out onto the main road.  Arrrgh.  
No biggie as we were then in familiar territory, and I was no longer lost.  (Of course, my husband knew where we were all the time.)  But for me, it was oh-so-frustrating as it again proved I truly have no sense of direction.

If I ever had to make a cross-country trip driving by myself, I have no doubt that I know exactly what would happen.  I would be lost forever.


Michelle said...

No, you would take a cell phone and use the map app!!!

Mama Pea said...

Michelle - Yeah, I've heard where those map apps can take you!! ;o)

Michelle said...

They've gotten better; I haven't ended up on a bad route in years. But my iPhone app is definitely better than Rick's android.

SmartAlex said...

Map apps get us REALLY lost. They think one lane dirt roads are acceptable short cuts. My husband does not. This year my sense of direction took a turn for the worse. I used to not necessarily be right, but at least not in doubt. Now I can feel my directional cogs slipping and I surrender quickly. Yesterday we went antiquing with our next door neighbors. On the way home we detoured into a PA town where I lived for a few years to get a late lunch. I was able to bluff my way through because things started to look familiar but I did not enter that town with any viable route planned. (Gee, I thought we were on the OTHER side of the river!) Which I'm sure my husband knew all along.

Mama Pea said...

SmartAlex - Sorry to hear your directional cogs are slipping, but it still makes me feel better to know I'm not alone! ;o)

Michelle - I was going to relate to you that we've heard of a few instances where "Search and Rescue" was called out to rescue a vehicle mired up to the doors in snow after being directed onto an unplowed snowmobile trail in mid-winter by their map app. Also, as SmartAlex alluded to above, folks have followed directions to go miles on old logging roads that lead to nowhere. Such excitement added to a leisurely day's outing! ;o)

Lisa K Thomasson Jung said...

What great fall colors. I miss that living in Louisiana. Lost is sometimes fun ! You find all kinds of interesting places.

Mama Pea said...

Lisa - Even though we do have a lot of fall color here in northern Minnesota, I still miss the fantastic display of colors in Illinois where I grew up. Lots more deciduous trees there and the fall season lasted a lot longer than it does up here. I know nothing about your area in Louisiana. Do your trees stay green pretty much all year 'round?

Wishing you Hope, Joy and Faith, Ruth said...

I am exactly the same as you, except I also have no sense of distance. When we go out hunting, I make husband leave me on a stump and promise to come find me, as there is no way I can follow his directions and meet him a few miles down a road. A couple of years ago one of my co-workers told me I should join Search and Rescue. I said nope, you'd end up searching for me.

Katie C. said...

I’m glad I’m not the only one with no natural sense of direction! 😜 I can follow a map just fine but when I guess I usually guess wrong. My brother says it’s a learned thing but he’s never had this problem.

Mama Pea said...

Hope, Joy and Faith Farm - Forgive me, Ruth, but I laughed at your description of your husband sitting you down on a stump and then having to come back to lead you "out of the woods." That would be me exactly! My husband tries to tell me to "just look at where the sun is" in relation to the way I want to go . . . but that never seems to help.

Katie C. - Being directionally challenged, I disagree with your brother! I think you're either born with a sense of direction or you're not. You know which side of the fence we're on!