Saturday, May 25, 2019

Finally Sunshine!

As usual this time of year, I'm going a little overboard baking with rhubarb now that it's available in the garden.  (I do love rhubarb!)

Made my favorite rhubarb cake day before yesterday and Papa Pea ate the last piece with some milk after a hearty breakfast this morning. 

We had a visit today with the four-year old twins my daughter has every Saturday.  The little guy loves stalks of rhubarb dipped in sugar, but Chicken Mama gave him a small dish of honey to dip into today, and he thought that was pretty good.  The little gal suggested I should bake a strawberry pie when I told her I was going to bake our (calorie-laden) Rhubarb Cream Pie.  (She's not a rhubarb fan.)  She's gonna have to wait another month or so for any strawberries from this garden.

And I did get that pie baked but not until late this afternoon.  Now it's cooling in the refridge and won't be sampled until tomorrow.  Can hardly wait.

We had more gray, drippiness until mid-afternoon when the sun broke through the clouds and our temperature soared into the high 60s.  Our warmest temp so far this spring, I think.

Tomorrow and Monday are supposed to be sunny so with the help of my Under Gardener (that's Papa Pea), I'll be getting the recently received fifty new strawberry plants in the ground.  And lots of emerging weeds out of the ground.

Still waiting for the planted onions, radishes and Sweet Peas to show their little green sprouts.  They've had plenty of moisture now so with a bit of warm weather, they may make an appearance.

Hope you're all having a great Memorial Day Weekend!


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. I remember when your daughter was looking after the twins and they were just babies! Oh my goodness. I'm pretty sure my own mother gave me a stick of rhubarb to dip in sugar as well. I remember beings so disappointed with rhubarb because it's such a pretty colour, I kept hoping it would be sweet. My rhubarb is up and lush, but I haven't done a thing with it yet. Maybe it's time for muffins. I could take a dozen in to work. -Jenn

  3. ALERT: Crappy SPAM has invaded again!!!!!!!!

  4. Ohhhhh Yesssss.... Sunshine!!!!! I feel sooooo much better, with it!

    But why not? It's natural, to want sun shine in the A.M. especially. {Can you tell, I am 'deep' into Circadian Clock reading?!? :-)}

    Our body needs it, to tell us that it's up and about time.

    As we need {to heed} lessening of sunlight, in the evening, to tell our body it is time to slow down, and prepare for a good night's rest.

  5. Hooray for your gardening accomplishments. I know, this makes you happy. :-)

    I still have not made my husband, that rhubarb pie! The stalks are washed, cut up and frozen though.

    Have a peaceful Memorial Day Weekend!

  6. You keep on trucking! Happy you are finally getting the garden to shape up. Rhubarb cake sounds really good . I don't think I've had any of that. Have a nice Memorial Day week-end.

  7. Jenn - Your fellow workers would be dee-lighted to have you bring in some rhubarb muffins. I have a good recipe for them, too, and haven't made them in a while. Thanks for the reminder!

    wisps of words - I think we'd all be happier and healthier if there were some way we could live more with the light and darkness and the seasons! I know even though we have shades over our bedroom window (a double), when it starts to get light these mornings, I wake and have a hard time going back to sleep . . . even though it's before 5 a.m.! We're having a good Memorial Day Weekend and hope you are, too.

    Lynne - I tried LOTS of rhubarb cake recipes before I found this one and it's soooo good. Definitely a keeper! One more day to go on this holiday weekend. Hope yours is being a good one.

  8. Rhubarb pie sounds so good. I didn't appreciate rhubarb when I was a kid, and here it's too hot for it to grow. Ah well. Glad to hear you're finally getting some nice gardening weather.

  9. Funny that Leigh’s comment. I have had a love affair with Rhubarb pie since forever. No one at home made it but when my Daddy would take us out for supper at a local eatery in the day I would always get a slice for dessert. I will see that it gets on the menu here with all this chit chat going round 😊

  10. Leigh - I know you've mentioned you can't grow it in your area. I guess it needs the cold winter weather for its hibernation period. We could grow it in Illinois where I grew up and it does really well up here in northern MN, too. I love almost anything rhubarb-y!

    Goatldi - My grandma always called rhubarb a spring tonic. Not sure why, but that was fine with me. 'Course, she said the same thing about molasses . . . and that was available year 'round! :o]

  11. Mama Pea

    Interesting that about your Grandma. My mother in law always said when my kiddo's were getting a tummy issue in early summer "well they have the summer complaint." I just love folk lore as more often than not it is spot on!

  12. That is a cake and pie I have never had. Matter of fact, not sure I have had rhubarb at all....WAIT, PRETTY SURE I never have. So funny how certain parts of the US enjoy things that maybe here in the south we don't do...or the other way around.

  13. Hey, Mama Pea: the twins are 5 1/2 now! ;) xox

  14. Goatldi - Someone probably already has written down all those old-timey sayings that have more than a bit of truth in them . . . it would be great to get a copy of such sayings, wouldn't it?

    Pam - I'm sure rhubarb isn't popular in the southern states because it needs the freezing temps of winter to grow and flourish. It's a bit like okra not being grown or enjoyed in the northern states. I've never tasted that!

    Chicken Mama - Thanks for bringing your doddering old mother up to speed. You know how you can never calculate how fast other peoples' children grow up? (What do you mean he/she just graduated from college? He/she can't be more than eight years old?!) Guess that's my problem with the twins. (Heck, I'm not even sure how old you are now.)

  15. Oh, I had forgotten about your rhubarb cream pie. I had made it for our little library's fund-raising event and someone bought the whole pie before I even put it on the table! I may have to make three. I can hardly believe the twins are four - they must be even more adorable (if that's possible). I'm trying not to rust on my laurels, as they say, with my garden in. The fun begins with all the weeds and insect wars.

  16. Chicken Mama, you can your Aunt Sweezie to the doddering list...five and a half?!? How did that happen!

  17. Susan - I do believe the reason I can't wrap my head around the twins' chronological age is because they are so adorably little. I think of them starting kindergarten in the fall and it doesn't seem possible. Their classmates are gonna seem like giants next to them. There's nothing wrong with their development though in the brain power department. The things that come out of their mouths! Papa Pea told them they would go "on an adventure" and took both of them on a hike on a trail in the woods. Chicken Mama reported that when they left the other people they had seen or gone to visit that day, Little Guy would say, "See you on the adventure trail!"

    His sister was recently having a little trouble with constipation. Chicken Mama asked her if she'd like a prune to eat. She replied in a deadpan face and voice, "You'd better give me two."

    I am so, so jealous of you having your garden in. Not even close here. We had frost warnings last night (arrrgh) but it only got down to the mid-30s. Just WHEN is summer (heck, what about spring?) supposed to arrive?

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  19. I can't believe I have missed your posts...I get slower every day! Trying to get in the swing of Spring which is now summer here and hotter than hades! So happy you are warmer and able to get out and do some gardening. Enjoy but don't work too hard!
    Oh, that rhubarb pie had me drooling!

  20. Sam I Am - Don't feel bad about missing some of my posts. I'm having the same problem these days keeping up with everyone I want to keep up with! Too darn much to fit into each day and if we're to remain sane (well, as sane as possible) we have to skip over things now and then. Still have to eat and sleep and do laundry though. Darn. ;o)
