My dear husband worked on pruning the fruit trees most of the day. This morning I made a double batch of Cream of Tomato soup, baked a blueberry pie, made a plate of deviled eggs and then put together grilled cheese sandwiches (laced with slices of raw garlic) for lunch. Chicken Mama and Gilligan were here to join us and all was declared tasty for our midday meal plus, due to the ample amounts of garlic, no vampires were spotted all day.
After lunch and a gazillion dishes, I headed out to the garden. Got the mint bed cleaned, weeded and ready for the season. No picture as now that the weeds have been eradicated, there's no greenery to be seen. Yet.
Edged the asparagus patch and tilled up the soil between the rows. It's not done yet, but it's getting there.
Got two cold frames mounted on two of the raised beds in order to warm up the soil before planting. After planting, the cold frames will stay in place for a while.
Started work on the strawberry patch.
This is what the plants looked like before rough cleaning which means I pulled a rake lightly over the plants to remove most of the dead leaves.
And this is after the rough cleaning. Next I'll go over each plant with scissors removing any remaining dead stems or leaves.
After I raked the old mulch off that was between the rows, guess what I found. Patches of that blankety-blank quack grass that had already taken hold. Grrr.
Now for what I didn't do today. Because I was doing other things. (Just had to take advantage of the gorgeous day -- temp up near 70 degrees!
I didn't pay bills.
Or reconcile my bank account or do my other "first of the month" stuff.
Or get more seedlings started.
Or do my weekly ironing.
Or clean eggs and store them away.
BUT, it's only 6:21 p.m. as I write so there's a chance some of the "Didn't Do's" may still get done. Or may not.
Tomorrow, I'll post the picture taken today of the state of my raised garden beds to compare with the pictures of the past two months taken on the first of those months.
That's what I like best about're NEVER bored! LOL I'm hoping for a rainy day soon to force me back inside the house to catch up on things like cheese-making and floor washing......and sewing....and soaping!
ReplyDeleteGreat post! And so true. For all the things I get crossed off my to-do list, there are just as many (if not more) that don't get crossed off. Everything you did accomplish looks great though, so that's a pat on the back!
ReplyDeleteI honestly don't know how you keep your gardens so weed free! Yes, I know you show us some grass, but seriously, your gardens are a thing of beauty. Mind you , mine aren't raised beds, but still... I shall be tilling between the strawberry rows soon. -Jenn
ReplyDeleteTired Hobby Farmer - Never bored? You can say that again! Don't cha just have to shake your head at those people you hear saying they have trouble filling their days? (I also have to pity them. :o\ ) This time of year when I want to spend all day outside, those inside things wanting to be done never stop whispering in your ear, do they? :o\ )
ReplyDeleteLeigh - Not only do we all end the day with more items not crossed off our list than those that are, but somehow, some way we always manage to add more items to the bottom of the list!
Jenn - I push myself to have the beds all cleaned up at the end of each season which I think really helps in the spring. (Not that at the end of a gardening season I really feel like doing it!) It's much harder to stay ahead of the field garden, weed-wise, but dear husband is good about cultivating it a time or two (to knock out the weeds) before I can get it all planted and mulched to keep ahead of the darn weeds.
Now get out there and work on that strawberry patch of yours! ;o)
I wouldn’t be able to move after doing that much weeding, never mind the day or two after!
ReplyDeleteKatie C. - Oh, ya! The first couple of days of garden work of a season don't usually feel really good. I just have to keep telling myself that it's better to wear out than rust out! Plus, even whatever little aches and/or pains may appear mean I'm using muscles that neeeeeed to be worked after a hibernating winter!!
ReplyDeleteWith a day like that, I would not be inside doing any of your "did-nots", myself! I've been making little forays into my beds in the moments between evening chores and darkness. I have to force myself to slow down, take deep breaths and repeat my new mantra, "there will be time". Or not. That quack grass is pure evil!
ReplyDeleteWhat you did do, is staggering, to me!!!!!!! :-)
ReplyDeleteQuestion, why/what do you iron? I don't iron anything, except a shirt for my husband, when he goes to weekly Rotary Lunch. N-O-T-H-I-N-G else.
At our age, why iron??????? Other than, you have "always" done it?
Be aware... SPAM comments are back... Had to put Comment Mod. on, because of it.
Now that is a full day's work! I am not sure our future homestead will be quite that busy - but I have plans....oh yes, I have plans! Send your warm weather our way. We went from 24 celcius on Sunday to 4 celcius yesterday. That's just a cruel joke.
ReplyDeleteI am in awe, that is all I can say! And I love reading the comments you receive, which also inspire me. Still nothing much happening here though!
ReplyDeleteSusan - With your busy, busy schedule (weekends included!) do you think you'll ever have enough time??! You need to retire, girl! But, don't necessarily listen to me as I just know you'll be two times as busy when you do retire because of all the new things you'll be wanting to do then! Yes, quack grass IS evil. I'm sure it multiplied twice over in the strawberry patch since I took off all the old mulch yesterday. Arrrrgh!
ReplyDeletewisps of words - Ya know, I've got to stop mentioning that I still iron. People think I'm absolutely batty for doing so. But I like to iron. (Yes, I have other issues I should seek counseling for, too.) I just don't like to put on wrinkly clothing. (*I* have enough wrinkles myself!) We try to wear mostly 100% cottons and you know how they hold wrinkles after laundering moreso than blends. I even iron my jeans. There. Now you know I'm beyond hope. ;o)
I'm hoping you're not having so much trouble commenting here now? I hope, I hope.
MrsDM - You'll be surprised how much "work" you'll be doing on your new little homestead! But it will be things that you'll enjoy and want to do so much. Just think what you'll be creating with your own heart and hands. Besides, if we keep movin', we'll be healthier and stronger!
Yes, the wildly erratic weather fluctuations many are experiencing this spring is not good for man nor beast!
Vera - Thanks, Vera. All I can say is rest up, my friend. You'll be back in the thick of it before you know it!