Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Words to Live By

Rosemary Beck, the ever-positive, always interesting dear lady over at Content in a Cottage posted these words this morning.

Happiness is the new rich.
Inner peace is the new success.
Health is the new wealth.
Kindness is the new cool.

Amen.  And thanks, Rosemary!


  1. I am going to print that out and put it on my bulletin board.

  2. That's beautiful. Making a sign and putting it on my office door for all to read.

    1. MrsDM - Good people are wondering what they can do in these troubled times. I think living by these words (really taking to heart what they mean) is more helpful than any marching or demonstrating. Just my humble opinion.

  3. I totally agree with all of that but it took me a couple of decades to figure it out!

    1. Rain - I'm with you, girl. There are some simple, but strong, true values in the world that most people seem to have lost contact with. The more of us that figure it out, the better.

  4. Replies
    1. Frugal in Derbyshire - Thank you! And thanks for commenting.
