Thursday, October 13, 2016

Morning Scenes

A flotilla of waterfowl.

The nosy geese are always the first to come investigate.

No food, no interest.  Back to the 
morning paddling around.

I love the way our driveway looks this time of year.
 Soon it will be looking bare.
But snow will come and make it lovely again.


  1. I love that---a "flotilla". What a great life those birds have!

    1. Sue - Yes, they do seem happy . . . so we've been whispering as we keep looking them over to decide who goes to freezer camp . . . and who stays. (Shhhh!) :o/

  2. Beautiful Drive. Our wild geese are nosy too until we start walking towards them anyway.

    1. DFW - We've had a couple of wild Mallards stop briefly on the pond this fall but so far no wild geese. Hope to see some yet.

  3. I love your driveway, too! It looks like she's beckoning for you to take a walk down her. Show us a picture of it when it snows....ok?

    1. Laurie - Have to confess we don't walk down it much in the summer but come winter, rather than starting a vehicle to go out to get the mail, we frequently bundle up and hike out and back. Always feel good!

  4. Replies
    1. Kristina - We do so enjoy seeing the waterfowl on the pond. There really is something soothing about it.

  5. Replies
    1. tpals - Thank you! (The geese thank you, too. :o] )

  6. I like that drive too! and always enjoy the waterfowl pictures.

    The snow will be there soon........

    1. Glenda - I know you do enjoy the pictures of the birds. I thought of you when I was taking them.

      We're wondering when our cold weather is going to hit. Haven't even had a killing frost yet . . . just a couple of little nips.

  7. How awesome to see all your waterfowl on the water! Ours are like yours....rush right up to see you but if there is no food....
    We have made the mistake of bringing doggie bags home for them if we eat out. They all LOVE fortune cookies! Cake donuts, bits of left over chinese.

    Your driveway is perfect!

    1. Fiona - The waterfowl are spending more time in the water than they did in summer. I wonder if it felt too warm to them during our very hot summer?

      I had to smile at the thought of your birds loving fortune cookies. Do they take the time to read their fortunes? ;o}

  8. It must be so beautiful and peaceful up there. I will have to say that, having a pond makes all the difference with waterfowl. A lovely sight.

    1. Susan - Yep, our birds are lucky ducks. And geese. Even the chickens seems to hang around the edge of the pond at times during the day.

  9. Replies
    1. Kev - Thank you. We're very happy here, that's for sure.
