Thursday, April 7, 2016

A Fun Morning

Our daughter (the nanny) brought the twins over for a waffle and bacon breakfast yesterday morning.  (Their big sister was in school and missed the visit.)

Mmmm, waffles with fresh frozen (warmed up, thank you very much) strawberries from last year's garden.

There's more than one way to eat a waffle.  (Apologies for the poor pictures in this post.)

Point proven?  (This was after several
attempts to get a strawberry on his fork.)

Their first look at goslings.

"Can I hold it?" 

"So soft!"

Then we went out for a sled ride.  Little Sister was apprehensive at first and felt more secure with a four-point stance on the sled.  A couple of weeks ago in their first sledding adventure, she fell off landing on her right cheek on crusty snow which made an abrasion which is still noticeable, so we couldn't blame her yesterday for remembering the incident.

Everyone got a chance to ride on the sled . . . except Papa Pea who had to do all the work!  Tucker helped with his participation and encouragement.

Our daughter commented that the twins' mama would have loved the outing and been running alongside the sled yelling, "Faster, Papa Pea, go faster!" and laughing all the time.


  1. But---I wanted to come for waffles , goslings , and a sled ride!!

  2. Oh what a fun! Especially that sled ride. What a delicious breakfast. Hm. Waffles sound good for dinner now.

    1. Kristina - I love pancakes or waffles for a dinner! Especially on a winter or other cold day.

  3. They sure look like their mama. What a fun outing for the twins (and the Pea Family)!

    1. Susan - Can you see that? I keep looking but I can't see either parent in them. Daughter says they resemble their maternal grandpa.

      It was fun! I even managed to get a waffle for myself while baking up 102 of them for everyone else!

  4. How wonderful to have quality times with the little ones :-)

    1. Dawn - They are especially dear to us since we don't have grandchildren of our own. The world is different (and we laugh a lot more) when little ones are around! :o]

  5. It's great that you treat them like yours! Great fun and memories!

    1. Laurie - They are just the sweetest 2-year olds I've ever seen! I don't even have to "child-proof" the house for when they are here. Although they are inquisitive and sharp as little tacks, they are very aware of what they can get into and what is off limits. Amazing.

  6. Awww, how sweet! I bet they loved every . single . minute! I know I would have!

    1. DFW - Daughter said that yesterday the little guy asked her, "Go Papa Pea, go Mama Pea?" So something good must have stuck in his little head.

  7. Replies
    1. LHinB - Gets us "adults" out to play in the snow, too!!

  8. and a good time was had by all!

    They are beautiful.

    1. gld - I think between our daughter and the twins' aunt, they are doing really well.

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