Thursday, January 14, 2016

Mittens and Miscellaneous

I finished making two pairs of mittens-on-a-string for the twins last night because I knew there was a chance they might be stopping by for breakfast this morning.

The ones on the right are purple for the little miss and the other pair is a dark forest green (although I know they look nearly black in the photo) for the little guy.

Baby Girl's hair is just long enough for two cute little pony tails of which she's very proud.  Here she's showing them off . . . along with her new pair of mittens which she put on and wouldn't take off.

Baby Boy, on the other hand, HATED his mittens because when he took them off they wouldn't go away!

Here are "the men" coming in from getting a basket full of kindling wood.  (Baby Boy is wearing his "old" brown pair of mittens, you'll notice.)

* * * * * * * *

Since Papa Pea offered to go down into the root cellar yesterday to get me some potatoes and carrots, I told him to bring up some apples, too, so I could bake something "apple-y."

I made a pan of Apple Slices and when I put it in the oven to bake I placed a sheet of aluminum foil on the rack below it to catch drips should it burble over.  Which it did.

But the "burbling over" missed the foil and made a nasty, burnt, stuck-like-glue, smoldering puddle on the bottom of the oven.  Note on door handle is so I don't light the oven before taking the time to clean up the mess.  (Not that I've ever done such a thing before.  Gosh, no.  Nuh-uh.  Nope.  Never.)


  1. Yeah, I have no idea how that would set off the smoke detectors the next time either..... LOL

    1. FAF - Oh, so THAT'S why the smoke detectors went off! And here I thought it was just some weird coincidence . . . as the acrid smelling stuff roiled out of the oven!

    2. hoosier girl - Methinks you can relate? ;o]

  2. HaHa! I've put notes on the dishwasher before to remind me to turn it on.

    Your little ones are so cute and so are their mittens.

    1. Thanks, Laurie.

      Is it just me or does it seem we all need more and more notes to ourselves in order to remember everything that needs to be remembered?

    2. Oh, I can totally relate to the dirty oven.... brilliant idea to put the note on the door!! Love the mittens. Isn't it wonderful to share things like that with our wee ones?? So sweet.

    3. Lori - I know this may sound absolutely crazy to some people, but I do wish we were back in the times when you couldn't go out and just buy anything . . . there's something very satisfying about making items of necessity for our loved ones. Taking care of our own. Know what I mean?

  3. Cute mittens - cute pony tails. One of our grandsons wouldn't wear mittens but insisted on hats. Yummmm apples!

    1. JoAnn - We all (young and old!) have our own little quirks, don't we? :o}

      The Apple Slices are going fast and have tasted gooood!

  4. I'm thinking we should have all bought stock in 3M years ago. Who would have thought those little sticky notes would become such a big part of our lives. I buy em by the box!

    1. Sue - If only we had INVENTED the sticky notes! That would have been the money-maker. How did we survive without them?

  5. Oh I loved those appleslices. Too bad I cut out carbs ;(

    1. Wendy - Cutting out carbs takes so much joy out of living. ;o}

  6. I'm happy to know I'm not the only one who leaves reminder notes. I had one on the table this morning to remind to take some items to work with me. I've even put notes in my car to remember to do things when in town. UGHHHH! (cute mittens) -Jenn

    1. Jenn - I'm of the opinion that living in this fast-paced technological age, we all have way too much data filling our heads and it seems that notes to oneself are the only way to stay on track. That or have a personal assistant. (Yeah, right!)

  7. Snort! I am with Baby Boy - I still remember my "won't go away" mittens. I hated them! How I love to see him with his "Papa" - such an adorable pair... I may - may - forgive you for posting a photo of my all-time favorite, never to be eaten again, dessert. May. xo

  8. Mama Pea,

    Your grand babes are gorgeous!!! I love it when the grand kids come over to work with Grandma, and Grandpa.
    When I was a kid, I had homemade won't go away mittens. Heck, I could use them now because I'm always loosing or misplacing my gloves, LOL....

    I'm drooling looking at your pan of apple slices, and thinking what on earth do I have stashed here that can curb my craving for a sweet apple dessert.

    1. Sandy - Wish that the twins were my grand babes but they are two of the three little ones (they have a 6 year old big sister) my daughter takes care of during the day.

      So did you make a sweet apple dessert? The apple slices are alllllll gone!

  9. I lost my original reply! Anyway, the mitten are very cute. Didn't know they came in 'won't go away' styles since I have never owned a pair. Those kiddos are cuties. Love the pony tails, down here when there are 2 we call them pig tails, especially if braided. After seeing your apple dessert pic I now want to go bake something sweet. However, I am home alone this weekend & I just know what would happen if I did!

    1. DFW - In these parts, it seems "pig tails" are braids and the unbraided, but rubber banded, are called pony tails . . . as is the hair style pulled into one tail at the back of the head. (Ha, sounds more complicated than it is!)

      The little mitten pattern didn't come with instructions for the cord but my daughter suggested I make them that way because it's always a real search to find both mittens when they're needed!

  10. Those twins are so blessed to have your family in their lives. I know they bring you so much joy too.

    1. mommar6 - Thank you. I've never had the chance to observe twins before and it is truly a delight to watch them interact.

  11. Those gloves are precious. I searched forever to find some like that for my kiddos when they were very young. That apple dish looks delicious.

    1. Kristina - I'm surprised you didn't think of just crocheting a cord and attaching it to the mittens! I didn't crochet mine but rather knitted an "I" cord.

  12. Love the mittens and that apple slice thing looks scrumptious. It looks cold at your place!

    1. gld - Thank you! The Apple Slices disappeared in record time.

      We're finally into winter weather. Listened to the wind (drat) all last night again. -10 degrees this morning. That's cold enough!
