Tuesday, January 13, 2015

A Sneak Peek

Here's the new winter wall hanging I've been working on.

This afternoon I got it marked for quilting (which is totally invisible on this photo) and sandwiched.

Before I sandwiched it, I taped the pieced top on the wall in the kitchen where it will go, and I think I'm going to be very pleased with it.  (Whew.)

Some might not think a wreath design is appropriate now that the holidays are over, but I'm celebrating the month of January this year, feeling like it's a month long holiday of sorts, so in my mind it will add a festive touch to my month.

I used primarily blue fabrics with snowflakes and stars.  The white on white background has white dots on it which look like snow falling. 

There is so much fabric in my own personal stash that I've been concentrating on not buying more while using up what I have.  A noble idea, but it's gotten me into a bind more than once.

On this project I had to change the border (which I really liked very much on the pattern I worked from) because I didn't have enough fabric.  The piece was going to measure 38" x 38" but has been reduced to 32" x 32".  

Now I'm wondering what the hay I'm going to do for the binding when the time comes because I literally do not have enough fabric left of any that I used in the quilt top.  You'll no doubt hear me grumping and grousing when it comes time to cross that bridge.

It's going to take me a while to quilt this piece.  I'm combining hand quilting and machine quilting.  The hand quilting needs to be done first.

I based this on a Thimbleberries pattern for a red and green wreath that was gorgeous, but definitely said "Christmas."  I'm going to call mine "January Wreath" and let it bring glitter, sparkle and light to our gray, snowless (so far) days.


  1. It's so pretty. Let me know what colors you need for the border. I may have some material to contribute.

    1. Aw, DFW, that is the kindest offer! I haven't dug in my stash of other blues yet so I may find something rather "neutral" in there. But thank you so much for your offer. Hugs.

  2. Nice! I still have my winter stuff up for another month too :)

    1. Nancy po - Gosh, my winter stuff is up until thru March at least. (Don't forget our "spring" flowers don't bloom until June!)

  3. I like! You have a good eye for combinations.

    1. tpals - Thanks! That feels good to hear because I really, really question myself most times.

  4. See, I don't see "wreath", but I see SNOWFLAKES. which just screams January to me. I love the pattern, the color, everything about your project.
    And I'm glad you're having a good month too. I wouldn't want to claim the only voice that LOVES this time of year. January is good things baking, soups simmering, time for the "arts" (painting for me, quilting for you), good books, and if the weather gods permit--skiing and snowmobiling. What's not to love>?????????
    Enjoy the day, Mama Pea (I know you will!!!)

    1. Sue - Two great minds that think alike!! ;o}

      Snowflakes, huh?

  5. This reminds me of a "Friendship" quilt block. Back in the 1950's, they were pretty popular in my mother's quilt group. Each quilter would make a block, and embroider her signature in the central white area. I'd go with a nice solid navy stripe, maybe a gold stripe or two. Or if you have strips of what little leftover fabric you do have, maybe you could combine with solid navy and gold and do 3" or so pieces of them sewn together horizontally. Just my two cents.

    1. Ilene Jones - I might, maybe, if I piece the scraps of the two border fabrics together have enough for the binding. Maybe. We'll see.

  6. Glad Sue said what she did, because when I read your post describing 'wreath', I had to back up and look at the photo again as I'd not seen a wreath! Love everything about it.... colors.... design... so pretty! Gosh, if it's only 30" x 30", how small are your hst?! Can't wait to see it all quilted!

    1. Lisa - I think using colors other than traditional reds and greens for a wreath disguises it!

      How small are my "hst??" Huh?

      *I* can't wait to see it quilted either! :o)

    2. MP, "hst" means half square triangles. They are the blocks you made that have blue and white diagonally placed opposite each other to make the block. You also have ones that are two different blues and others that are blue and gold. Does that make sense or did someone already explain this to you .... perhaps that stranger named "google"? Either way you say it, this is a lovely quilt and will look great in your abode! (Sorry about being such a stranger to your blog but life gets in the way as you well know.)

    3. Lisa and Karen L. - Ah yes, the ol' half square triangles! They're 2" finished, so not really very small to work with.

      Karen, no excuses necessary. There are times when it's easy to read blogs and comment and then other times when it all just doesn't fit into the hours available each day. :o)

  7. Mama Pea,

    Your decorative wreath hanging is gorgeous! Who cares what people think, I would hang this wreath on my wall for the entire year :-)

    Can't wait to see the final product hanging on your wall!!!

  8. I love the colors! You are so talented! Can't wait to see what you end up doing with the binding - and to see the finished product. Hurray for January! Can't wait until it's over! (Speaking for myself, of course...)

    1. Susan - Bite your tongue about wanting January to be over. (But you're forgiven because I know your work scene is BAD in January.)

      I'm leaning toward a pieced binding . . . I think. Maybe. We'll see.

  9. I like it! De has winter decorations (snowmen, snowflakes,...) in the same colors that go up as the Christmas decorations come down. This fits squarely in that category. It's going to be beautiful.

    1. Mark - How nice of you to say so! I know with your talented wife decorating your house, you can appreciate what we gals strive for!

  10. What a good idea-Make all of January one big holiday. It is the longest, coldest, hardest month of the year and I think an attitude adjustment like that might help.
    The colors in your wall hanging definitely say January. Nice.

    1. odiie - I'm so glad you think the colors I used say "January." I was definitely trying to say "winter" if not January specifically! We love winter here . . . although I'm already really tired of all the gear I have to put on every time I step out the door! Ah, the freedom of summer when we don't even think about dashing out!

  11. It's beautiful, Mama Pea! I think the wreath design is perfect for January.

    1. Shucks, De, thanks so much for saying so. I was hoping it would turn out that way rather than . . . "Why in the world did she make a BLUE wreath??"
