Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Do We Know How to Have Fun or What?!

The roofing project has started.  We're doing it in stages . . . primarily because the weather this summer has not provided many consecutive days of dry weather.  Seems we have a small window of good weather this week so we're taking advantage of it.

Today the shingles were torn off the part of the roof we're starting on.  Different areas need to be done, but not all will be attacked this year.  Think of it as working on the installment plan.

Long ago, hubby built this box that can be put on the flat bed trailer for hauling gravel.  Now it's proving to be handy for containing the old shingles and associated debris that we'll haul to the dump.  And have to unload by hand.  Ooof. 

Heavy, dirty work ripping off the old stuff right down to the plywood.

Invaluable, professional builder and good friend, B, is on this job with us.  She complained today that the only reason we hired her was so she could do all the hard work!  (Please don't tell her I captured this shot of her . . . she'll kill me.)

Tomorrow the underlayment of Ice and Water (a waterproof barrier used instead of felt paper) will go on, and then we'll wait for another stretch of dry weather to do the shingling.

Progress.  It's all progress!


  1. Yikes! What a job that is!

    In late May we had a hailstorm come through that severely damaged all the roofs we have (3) and the cars. After the insurance company did their thing we ended up with full cost of replacement for all the roofing and part of the siding on the house, as well as car repair as part of the settlement. The insurance covered the cost of a contractor and last week our roofs were all stripped to the plywood, the new ice barrier installed, and all the shingles replaced while I was away at work. The contractor still has the siding, gutters, and downspouts to do, which we expect to get done in the next couple of weeks. The two cars with the full coverage insurance went to the body shop for repair.

    I don't envy you that job, roofing is hard work! Do take care and BE SAFE!

    1. Mark - Wonderful that your insurance covered all the damage you suffered from the hailstorm. It's great when it works out that way!

      I've always said that roofing would be a lot easier if you could do it on the ground! Yes, we are very aware of not wanting to fall off the roof. That would put a real crimp in our cramp!

  2. It's been 5 years since I paid someone else ;) to do my roof. There were multiple layers of asphalt shingles on top of a layer of wood shingles. Huge mess. Not a job I would want!

    I second the warning to BE SAFE!

    1. tpals - We had three local roofers come out to give estimates on our roofing job and they were all super-high compared to what we figured we could do it even with hiring B's help. (And she does know what she's doing.) I guess we all just have to choose where to put our time and money. We sure would have opted to go with having it done by professional roofers if it had seemed more reasonable.

  3. Oh wow you are doing your own roof? That's one job we don't even attempt on our own and thinking about it now it's probably going to need to be done in a few years because our roof is now 15 years old. UG!

    1. Sparkless - Can't say I blame you! We don't know how old this first part of the roof that we're replacing is, but it's for sure more than 25 years old and possibly a lot more! So you can understand why it needs to be done.

  4. The fun never stops with you guys, does it?
    ; )

    1. Sue - Hahahahohohoheeheehee. (Insert hysterical laughter.)

  5. You will be so happy with the roof when it is done and you will sleep well at night--because you know rain will not drip in and because you will be downright exhausted! Between rainstorms this season, we are insulating and siding the house with help. Even though it is half finished, I can feel the difference already; it is much cooler after that recent heat wave.Years ago we decided to put on a metal roof and are happy with it--especially at our creeky old ages!-M

    1. M- We really, really thought seriously about metal roofing, too. But hubby is so conscientious about making sure our three chimneys on wood burning stoves stay clean and safe all winter, we decided the metal roofing would not be a good idea because of the slipperiness characteristic. Having him climbing up there on shingles is scary enough for me!

  6. We had to do that on a 2 story house in 100 degree weather. :) The good thing- a dumpster down below and 3 kids to help ! It's worth it in the end....

  7. Ugh, what a hard and dirty job :/ I don't do heights well, and we need to do some repairs to our roof too. Good luck!
