Monday, February 17, 2014

On an Olympic Roll

Sitting and watching the Olympics sure has been profitable for me.  I'm finishing up some UFOs that have been hanging around for a long time.

This is a knitted hat for a little guy.  I have no little one in mind, but I'm betting I can find someone who would like it sooner or later.

Finished this little hat using the remaining yarn from two different skeins.  I was so close to running out of yarn that I didn't even have enough yarn for any kind of a tassel on top.  Do you think it looks okay without that little touch?  Both these hats are toddler size.

It seems like the second sock to this pair I made for myself took about ten times as long to knit as the first one.  Why is that?  I'm pleased with these . . . and they even fit!  The only thing I would change if I use the pattern again is to make the ribbing at the top wider.  I'm sure they are going to stay up with no problem, it's just that a wider ribbing would look better visually to me.

Only one more vine/flower panel to go on the spring shower curtain.  I started on the third one (shown in the picture) this morning at 9:15 and finished it at 12:15.  So now I know it takes three hours to do each one.  Amazing that it takes that long, isn't it?

Shower curtain isn't done, of course, but I'm so happy with all the little projects I've been able to finish recently.  Gee, if the Olympics were on more often, think of all I could accomplish!


  1. Cool, cool socks! I have a bit of a sock fetish and love that these are different, but yet the same! :)
    The little hat looks perfectly fine without a tassle on top. I had to do the same thing for one I made at Christmas.

    1. Candy C. - I figured since the tassle-less hat was for a little guy, it would be okay. Glad to see you agree!

  2. Replies
    1. DFW - Thank you! It's the first pair of non-heavy-boot socks I've made for myself. Sure hope they don't get holes in them fast!

  3. Mama Pea,

    Nice hats, and socks!
    Love the curtain too.

  4. The color of the wool you have used for both the hat and socks looks wonderful...

    1. Weekend-Windup - The self-patterning yarn they have these days is so pretty! Sure couldn't (well, wouldn't anyway) do it if I had to change and carry colors that much!

  5. I think the hat looks great with or without the tassels and the socks are wonderful. I would love to have just a pinch of your talent :)
    I'm not a big tv watcher but I have been watching the Olympics and staying up way too late to see who gets the gold :)

    1. Kelly - Yes, staying up too late each night watching the Olympics is making it hard to get up in the morning, isn't it? I tried taping them a couple of nights so I could get to bed at a decent hour, but then of course haven't found time to sit and watched what I taped yet!

  6. SSS (Second Sock Syndrom) affects all of us knitters at one time or another :-) I've got several singles that have waited for a long time to have a mate. The little hats are lovely - no tassel needed.

    1. LindaCO - You just made me feel a whole lot better by confessing to having "several singles" that are waiting for a mate! We've gotta learn how to knit two socks at once on a round needle!

  7. Ditto here! Always wanted to learn to knit socks. Love yours and the little hat looks great 'as is'. Both hats look delightful the way the colorways of the yarns knitted up. LOVE your socks! Doesn't it feel good to get so much done?! Your shower curtain is going to look so awesome.

    1. Lisa - Those unfinished projects had apparently been bothering me more than I thought! I'm feeling SO GOOD about get them done, done, done!

  8. My goodness, you have been a busy bee! How much longer do the Olympics run? Shall I send you all my UFOs???? Love the pattern on the hats and LOVE the socks. I always make mine too short, as I get bored with the first one, let alone the second. That shower curtain is so lovely. And I had to laugh when you said that three hours was a long time on the applique - if I were doing them it would be three years!!

    1. Susan - Yep, three hours doing the applique BY MACHINE. Can you imagine how much time I'd have into the blasted shower curtain if I had done the applique by hand?? Oh, it hurts to even think about that!

      P.S. Do not send me all your UFOs. I feel guilty enough about my own, so worrying about getting yours done, too, would push me right over the edge!

  9. I love those socks!! I really will have to learn to knit one day :)

    1. Thanks, Jen. When the time is right for you, I have no doubt you will conquer knitting.

  10. I'm drooling over those socks! I haven't attempted socks yet. Still working out some stuff with my hands and the needles, but I am making progress. I have done dishcloths, hats, and even attempted a sweater (although I had to frog it part way through).
    The shower curtain is turning out as gorgeous as I knew it would, and I adore those hats, tassel or not.

  11. Thanks, Stephanie! If you've done the decreasing a knitted hat requires, you really shouldn't have any trouble with socks. (Except forcing yourself to finish that dreaded SECOND one!)

    Hope to get some time to work on the shower curtain today!

  12. you could get rich ,with those socks

    1. judy - HA! If I charged $100 a pair, I'd be making about 20¢ an hour for my time! But thank you for the compliment!
