Monday, April 1, 2013

April Fool's Day

No foolin' around here today!

It's Monday, the start of a new week (and new month!) which is shaping up to be an expected full one, and a day that was my maternal grandmother's birthday.  She was the only grandmother I knew as my dad's mother was gone long before I came on the scene.  My mom and I lived with Grandma and Grandpa for nearly three years while my dad was serving in World War II and I have many fond memories of their house (always full to the gills of relatives for any and all occasions) and them.

We had a laid back, quiet Easter yesterday.  The weather was conflicted with sunshine and snow flurries (heavy at times) nearly all day.  And at the same time.  The temp was in the 30s, several degrees above freezing, so the snow melted as it hit the ground.

I made a quiche (we are rolling in eggs from our prolific hens) brunch for the two of us yesterday morning.  I was flying by the seat of my pants in putting it together so wasn't sure how it would turn out, but (happily) it was really good.  Dinner around 5:30 p.m. was an old family favorite of vegetarian "meat" balls in wine gravy which our dear daughter shared with us.

I really didn't think Papa Pea and I would be getting our traditional Easter baskets from Chicken Mama this year.  First off, I was betting she wouldn't be able to find our baskets packed away in all of her household contents she has had to put into storage.  Secondly, because she was very sick this past week, I didn't think she would have had a chance to figure out and get goodies to fill the baskets.  (Oops, that's right.  The Easter Bunny takes care of that little task.)

Yes, she really was a down-and-out sickie.  If you've seen her latest post, you'll know she got socked big time this past week with some nasty germs which laid her low with strep throat and a heavy sinus infection.  She also took a could-have-been-more-serious fall on the slippery, icy, melting snow outside her cabin a couple of days ago.  She has some ugly bruising on her arm . . . which I took a picture of last night . . . which may show up on a future blog post of hers.

But back to Easter baskets.  I don't know how she does it but she consistently comes up with the perfect gifts (whether large or small) for everyone for any occasion.  She has a real knack for knowing what a person would truly like and appreciate.  As usual, my basket was full of things that tickled my fancy.  Her dad's basket was a hit with him, too, filled with "manly" gadgets and gizmos he loved.

As is typical in northern Minnesota, our spring (ha!) weather has taken a nose dive and was 16 degrees this morning.  Papa Pea came in from morning chores a while ago and remarked, "Son of a biscuit!  It's COLD out there!"  But our snow cover has continued to melt in the last couple of days of warmer (than 16 degrees) weather and the standing water in my raised garden beds disappeared with 24 hours.  When tromping across the ground, it's easy to tell it's drying out quickly.  Maybe the dreaded mud season won't be so bad this year.

Hope you all had a lovely Easter Day and that this new month of April brings you a joyful zest for the new season upon us.  Now, I need to get back to my laundry . . . with zest. 


  1. No April Fools around here either. You know....sometimes I kinda miss that. When I was a mom would get us every year....even when I remembered. Sometimes, it was something that so easily could be happening, you would just come running to see.....and...."April Fool!"

    1. Foxy Lady - For some reason, I've never been much for April Fool's jokes. I think it's probably because I'm basically very gullible and believe whatever anyone tells me. Or at least used to be. I can always hope I'm getting a little wiser with age!

  2. We usually fool my dad every April 1, but, unfortunately, he is sort of beyond 'getting' it now. I am just happy it is April! Your quiche looks delish! And that is one thoughtful daughter you have...

    1. Susan - So, you're saying since it's April that means we're going to have nothing but nice weather now? WA-hoo! Good thing to know! ;o)

  3. Your quiche looks fantastic, it's one of those dishes you can put juat about anything in and it comes out great. I see some fabric in your basket there. Hard to believe this year is already 1/4 over with.

    1. Tombstone Livestock - Yep, my daughter knows I love fabric so a fat quarter or two of some new material is always a winner. Yikes, this year is already 1/4 over?? I'm just now learning to write 2013 consistently!

  4. What a sweet daughter you have! A blessing, but you already know that. So sorry she's been sick.

    1. Leigh - Thanks, Leigh. Daughter dear is feeling better, but still looks pale and tired . . . which, of course, worries a mom.

  5. What a sweet and thoughtful daughter you have... but something tells me she takes after her Mama Pea and Papa Pea! Hope she is feeling better now. Your quiche looks delicious! We LOVE quiche around here too, which is really good for when our ladies lay lots of eggs for us too. Sometimes I make it in a pie crust, and sometimes I use a throw-it-all-in-one-pan with Bisquick that 'sinks' to the bottom to make the crust. All is always so good! Glad you had a nice Easter with your family.

    1. Lisa - I feel I've never made as many quiches as I could/should and I don't know why because they are very easy especially the "crustless" ones. My hubby likes them as well as I do. We finished up our Easter one today. I didn't even warm it up, just ate it at room temp and it was fine. Can't beat that for a quick lunch!

      Glad to read you all had a nice, relaxed Easter, too.

  6. That quiche looks yum! I love quiche, but the boys don't like eggs, in any way shape or form, so I don't make it a lot. Maybe I will make one this weekend now that you posted that.

    Chicken Mama is one amazing lady!

    Glad to hear you had a restful Easter and hope you have a great rest of the week :)

    1. Stephanie - Oh, super bummer your boys won't eat eggs! You can make so many yummy meals with them. I wonder if they will change their minds when they taste your own homegrown eggs from your own homestead raised chickens? They do taste different!

  7. Glad you had a great Easter, that quiche looks AMAZING!

    1. Erin - Hope your Easter was nice, too. I was kinda surprised when it turned out so well considering I kinda threw things together. But I think you can get by doing that with a quiche once you have the basics!
