Monday, March 18, 2013

The Pee Tree

I don't mean to gross anyone out with the title of this post.  Sorry if it bothers anyone with sensitive sensibilities.

On a recent snowshoe hike in our woods, we not only saw many wolf tracks but also came across this tree which the wolves (I'm assuming it was more than one!) used to mark their territory.  I'd never seen a tree completely encircled by multiple urine spots.

* * * * * * * * 

This is what you get when temps are up near melting, then plummet, and it starts to snow.

We've had a steady snow most of the day today but only about 2 inches of accumulation.  The forecast is for heavier snow yet tonight.

When going out for the mail today, we were surprised to see the main road snow covered and looking fairly slippery.  The temperature must be at that particular point where the salt and sand spread on the road don't make for much melting.

We're glad to be home safe, sound and warm.  (Well, safe and warm for certain.)  And since our daughter no longer has the hour drive to get home from her work at night, this mama can cross that worry off her list.  Life is good!


  1. Okay, you got me - pee tree - I had to check that out!! Wolves - oh, my! I am envious of your weather - spring is knocking on the door here some two weeks earlier than usual. Enjoy the beauty of your lingering winter!

    1. 2 Tramps - I AM enjoying these last days of real winter. We haven't gotten (yet) the heavy snow they forecast for tonight but it has continued snowing lightly and I'd guess we have a good 4" of new snow now. Enough that we'll have to shovel out paths tomorrow. Good exercise!

  2. Brrrrrr... So I guess wolves are like dogs-they need to prove they were there last! Stay warm and safe, we have rain forecast for the next few days. I knew I was wishful thinking. It is mud season for us. Glad your baby girl is able to get home quickly now. It's amazing how we never outgrow that worry no matter how old they get, huh?

    1. Ruth - 'Tis true, your kids are always your babies no matter their age. (Funny that they don't worry about US like that, eh?) I'm NOT looking forward to mud season. So, so hard to keep it outside!

  3. Amazing what you can find in the northern wilds of Minnisota, LOL, stay warm, stay dry. Supposed to get a little rain sometime this week, think our total rainfall for season only made it to about 6 inches, creek never did get any water. Had 2 days of record high temps last week ... 85 degrees, time of ice tea and lemonade in CA.

    1. Tombstone Livestock - I know you're accustomed to it and have your systems in place but it amazes me that you can survive and raise all the animals you do in such a drought stricken area. My hat's off to you, m'dear! 85 degrees. Can't imagine when we have 19 degrees snow cover and high winds making it nasty to be outside.

  4. I have to admit, with seeing the snow everyone is getting this year, I am so glad I chose to move to NC when I did :) Stay warm.

    1. Stephanie - I know you're much happier in NC so that's where you should be! We are staying warm. But when working outside do have to come in periodically to warm freezing fingers. There's never is hand wear warm enough to handle that part of your body!

  5. You know, my spruce, outside the kitchen window, had a bunch of icicles on it after the snow followed by the warm day. They were only about 3" long....but, they were cool. Had there been some sun....I would have photographed them. Another time I guess....:)

    1. Foxy Lady - Yep, Mother Nature always gives us interesting sights. Too bad you couldn't get a good picture of your weeping spruce tree!
