Monday, March 11, 2013

Bunny Body Parts

Nope, we haven't gotten back into raising rabbits as a meat source (been there, done that) so this isn't a post about butchering rabbits.

When dear daughter came into our house Sunday and saw this yarn carnage laid out on the couch, she suggested I take a picture of it and label it "Bunny Body Parts."  (Think she might have a weird sense of humor?  Oh, ya.)

For the upcoming Easter holiday, with luck, all those miscellaneous knitted bodies, arms, legs and ears will be transformed into more bunnies like the one pictured above.


  1. And another project from Super Mama Pea. I will have to send you a picture of my 0 calorie Dark and White Chocolate Easter Bunny.

    1. Tombstone Livestock - I think we ALL need to see the picture of your 0 calorie Dark and White Chocolate Easter Bunny! Let's have it!

  2. So, you make bunny body parts in your spare time eh? You crack me up, your girl too. Hope your frankenbunny turns out beautiful! ;-)

    1. Nancy - You're pretty funny, too, Missy! Frankenbunny! Love it.

  3. I believe my exact words were, "That looks like a bunny autopsy."

    1. Chicken Mama - I believe your exact words were, "Look at all those bunny body parts! Or else it's a bunny autopsy." I thought the "bunny body parts" was pretty cute. The bunny autopsy not so much! ;o}

  4. Very cute bunny. Glad you Frankensteined him together.

    1. Sparkless - If you didn't have the pattern (or completed wabbit) it would be kinda hard to figure out what all those parts and pieces were meant to be!

  5. How funny!
    Did you like raising rabbits for meat? I eventually want to do it. Right now I have pet rabbits and couldn't imagine eating them EVER! But to get the ugly white ones with red eyes, just maybe.....

    1. Kelly - Raising the rabbits for meat was actually pretty easy . . . prolific little buggers that they are. Hubby liked that they were so easy to butcher, and much easier to dress than, say, a chicken. I just didn't care for the meat. (I'd rather eat chicken given the choice.) In a young rabbit the ratio of meat to bones isn't great and the flavor was always "dry" . . . to my taste anyway.

  6. When I saw the little photo of "bunny parts"....I was thinking of meat for the freezer. Little did I know....
    Nice sky photo.
    Cute bunny too. :)

    1. Foxy Lady - Not nice of me, I know, but I meant to lead you astray!

      Thanks for the compliment on the blog header photo. And bunny!!

  7. I'm glad you put that heading in there, because I wouldn't have guessed what all those pieces/parts were to become! That is a cute bunny - is it an easy pattern?

    1. Susan - Pattern is super-simple to knit. It's the putting it all together that takes a little time. (No free lunch.)

  8. Love your new header photo, beautiful! Oh, & the bunny's cute too.

  9. You have to remember some of us might see 'bunny body parts' and be scared to open the post ;) Whew, at least this one was safe.

    1. Jane - You're so right! Pictures of raw rabbit meat would not be to your liking, for sure.

  10. Your bunny is so Cute!!! I like the way he's posed on one of your potholders (?) nestled beside some pretty flowers. Love your new header. That sky is beautiful.

  11. PS I just saw Jane's comment as I hit 'publish'... and actually.... that is what I thought at first!!! :)

    1. Lisa - I was just plain evil in choosing that post title, wasn't I?

      Da wabbit is sitting on a . . . what would you call it? A table mat? It's 12" square . . . something I use in place of what they used to call doilies. (Well, I guess they're still called doilies, but I don't think anybody uses them much anymore!)

  12. Whew! Glad we clarified that one in a hurry. :)

    1. Leigh - But I see you were brave enough to venture into the post! ;o}

  13. Too funny! I love that new header photo too...
