Thursday, January 12, 2012

I Am Such A Lucky Ducky

Okay, I'm going to post this before I over-analyze my feelings and become afraid I'll be judged as an overly sentimental, smarmy, mushy-mouthed old foob. Here goes.

There aren't a lot of people in my sparsely populated area who are interested in the same kinds of things that I am. That's why I totally treasure all of you friends I've made through blogging.

I learn so much from all of you on a daily basis. Each and every one of you is so much more interesting while sharing your knowledge than a book could ever be. You unselfishly take the time to send help and support. You make me smile and laugh (and cause my morning latte to come out my nose) on a daily basis. I regain confidence in humanity when I read of your faith, beliefs, and moral convictions.

You are a bunch of the most caring people I've ever come into contact with. Hand-written notes (who takes the time to do that anymore?), little handmade gifts, recipes and patterns shared and sent with love. I feel I could ask anything of any of you, and if at all possible, you would deliver.

I'm really not a proponent of the runaway pace of technological advances our society is currently experiencing. But I sure am glad blogging on the Internet came about because of this same technology.

I am truly blessed, because blogging has brought all of you into my life.


  1. I often think the same thing about technology. At one end, it's tears us away from the "real" things in life (say, like shoveling chicken crap), but it also allows us to find other like-minded freaks, I mean, people where we would never be able to do that pre-internet.

    Oh. And it seems as if you've managed to rip the duct tape off your maw, hugh?
    (Sorry, I just couldn't be totally serious the entire comment).

  2. Blogland is a blessing. I always enjoy stopping by at your "house".

  3. It's like having hundreds of penpals and you don't have to hand write letters to, and you get instant responses. If you have a question or a problem just jump online you will soon find an answer or a solution or at least some sympathy. I read County Woman magazine where someone writes in looking for an old recipe, or item from long ago, and they have a snail mail address. I know they could find an answer on the internet or get a lot more responses if they had an email address .... If I had to choose between giving up TV or internet .. TV would be first to go.

  4. Very, very well said. I think the technology is what you make of it. Like any tool, it can be good or bad, the choice is in the user.
    We can use it to avoid tasks or we can use it to learn and connect with other like-minded people in a world where like minded people are few and far between.
    Glad to have 'met' you.


  5. I agree, Mama Pea. Blog-friends are a real blessing. It is wonderful to have such a wealth of knowledge and experience at my fingertips--here on the Internet!

    And, as long as a healthy "balance" is kept between blogging and real-life, I think it's all good. :)

    I'm glad to have met you and I really enjoy visiting your blog.

  6. The blogging world is a crazy thing indeed.

  7. It's so refreshing to read your blogs and be read in turn. I thank you for your virtual-world friendship.

  8. Carolyn Renee - You just wouldn't be our daily ray of sunshine if you WERE totally serious!! Don't ever change.

    Beth - That would be the only thing that could make it better . . . if we really COULD stop by each other's house now and then. There's nothing like being able to give a big ol' hug in person!

    Tombstone Livestock - Yes, I do think the instant responses we get via the Internet help a lot with our communication. TV or Internet? I'm with you . . . lots more human connected-ness with the Internet and blogging!

    Judy - Same back at you, Friend!

    Mooberry Farmwife - I think the fact that we all do have very active "real" lives is what brings us together as birds of a feather!

    dr momi - Thank you!

    JJ - Who could have even begun to imagine it even ten years ago??

    Sharon - Thank you. I feel the same way.

  9. Awe! I share your feelings completely! I'm also NOT a big fan of today's technology, but so glad to be able to "visit" with all of you, and grateful for all I've learned from you all.
    Mama Pea, you've been a huge blessing to me as a fellow Northwoods gardener, homemaker, raiser of chickens, etc...
    Have a beautiful weekend! :)

  10. Now ya did it... ya got me all misty eyed. Yes I call you friend. You jist call me, and I will be there.
    Foks don't git my humor here nor traditions like grilling in 10 degree weather. I am glad we have a cyber family to giggle bubbles out of our noses to pray for for ah friend.
    You rock Mama P!

  11. I think you know how much everyone here cares about you. I'm not a fan of modern life....but I'm sure glad the internet came along and opened up a world of wonderful people to me. It's so very hard to find "like-minded" folks when you like things like cooking/homemaking--in a world that thinks these things are old fashioned/outdated/or worse yet--belittling to women. Oh, if they only knew what a wonderful world we occupy. A huge hug to you!

  12. how come I feel the same way,and I'm right smack in the middle of a pretty big population [ of what,who can tell] my own sister just came back to town from up north to live with her daughter for awhile and take care of her [she woke up one day in Oct. totally blind,diabetes ] but what I'm trying to say is I'd wish my own family could stop by more often or be as giving as all my friends in blogger land.I wish they would give me a little piece of there heart,but until they do ,I have you'all. do you know sometimes I tell someone about one of you,they act like they don't believe you exist! [ little they know]

  13. So well said Mama Pea! I feel exactly the same way. I have a few people that, locally I talk to, but by far, I am closer to the bloggy friends online. Not sure why, and I'm not going to question it. You especially, always have something to say to either cheer me up or cheer me on.
    I am very very blessed!!

  14. It is a wonderful thing to love and be loved. Especially when we can do it in our P.J.'s and nobody is the wiser :-)

    We love you Mama Pea!!

  15. One of my favorite, hilarious bumperstickers is "Hermits Unite!". For those of us who prefer some sort of self-imposed isolation, blogging still keeps us connected with good folks like you! Thanks! -"M"

  16. After reading this post, I realized that I am in your same boat (hope it continues to float!!!). I also live in an area where I have very little in common with my neighbors. I am a born and bred yankee and I live out in the country in the south. We are the only yankees around our area. Plus I am a quilter. No one around me does that so I have to travel into town to commune with my quilt group twice a month. Found them through a New Comers group. So, we could be sort of sisters .... or maybe distant cousins ... twice removed? Anyway, so glad you decided to just write and not over think what you wanted to say. Yay for you!!!

  17. Patty - Love ya right back, Patty!

    Nancy - Your unique sense of humor (and you know I mean that in the best way) chirks me up with every one of your posts. Don't ever stop putting your words and thoughts out there for all of us to enjoy.

    I'll Call You Jane - A total inspiration you are, m'dear!

    Sue - OMG, you just said it so well: "I'm not a fan of modern life." That encompasses so much and says it all. I think I'm going to start using that when I get to feeling down and out about the way our world is going. I think I've mentioned before, I went through a period of a kind of depression years ago (before blogging and the Internet) when I felt so isolated in my lifestyle and desires . . . had no other like-minded females to share it with or validate what I was doing. I am so, so appreciative of the fact that has changed.

    judy - You do, indeed, have us all. Let other people think we're funny. We'll just keep living with our "make believe" friends . . . a much better place to be.

    Stephanie - We ALL are blessed to have found such a warm, caring, supportive group! Yay for us!!

    Freedom Acres Farm - And don't forget with greasy hair sticking out in a scary manner and teeth unbrushed! Hugs to you, Friend!

    Anonymous - M, unfortunately we know that doesn't work. Communes always sound like such a good idea, but rarely bring a satisfactory option for us hermits! And, let's face it, we're not hermits as much as folks who don't choose to go along with the rest of the sheeple!

  18. Aww that is so sweet, we love you too Mama Pea!! I have a confession to make, I have been tossing around the idea of ending my blog for a couple of reasons, but then I think about all the wonderful people (like you!!!) that I have met because I took a chance and put some of my personal life out in cyber space. Then I change my mind cause I would hate to give that part up.I enjoy seeing what you are all up to and our communication amongst our little community here. So see Mama Pea, you end up being a reason for me to keep on going :)

  19. You're post is so interesting and timely because my husband was just saying last night how most of the people who know us personally think we are really weird. I mean, we are practically the only people they know who raises chickens and rabbits in the back yard, has raised vegetable beds in the front yard, doesn't have a microwave or cable, and has started heating our home exclusively with a wood stove, etc., etc. He was cracking me up because with each thing he said something, he made a cuckoo noise and did the crazy sign against his head. It's nice to be connected with like-minded folks when most don't understand you.

  20. Smarm away, dear foob! We all feel the same way about you, and it is such a comfort to know there are friends everywhere who care about us, bolster us up, make us laugh 'til we snort latte. You hold a special spot in our collective hearts.

  21. Jane - OMG, pleeze, pu-LEEZE don't stop writing your blog. You have so much worthwhile information to share. I know you encourage so many people to give a try at being more self-sufficient and that's what we need in our country to retain any sense of a sane society.

    If I no longer had your blog to read, I'd feel as if I'd lost a very good friend. Sob.

  22. The Weekend Homesteader - That's what I mean about blogging providing a real support group for all of us. It's difficult being "different" and sometimes you start to wonder why you're following this crazy (sometimes hard) path. We had a good friend who always referred to our backwoods life as backWARDS. How would I have ever "met" all of you who are so supportive and such a wealth of knowledge if it weren't for blogging? We are in the minority in this insane society so we need each other!

    Susan - You, m'dear, of the best of the best when it comes to kind, caring, compassionate people. Do you know Chicken Mama refers to you as Susan the Great?

  23. Karen L. - Why, oh why, (she laments) do we have to live so far from each other? What a wonderful little community we would have if all of us weren't literally scattered all over the country?! I can't tell you how I am encouraged and how good it makes me feel to know there are people such as you "out there." I'm very serious when I say it restores my faith in humanity. Belief in the basics and re-learning to be self-sufficient and work with our hands. That's where it's at!!

  24. Except for the internet, technology is vastly overrated! I've been having some trouble commenting as well. Must be something blogger is working on (hopefully)

  25. Leigh - I'm just hoping it's something Blogger CAN easily rectify. I wonder if they are just simply over-loaded and need a vast revamping of their system?!

  26. Hi Mama Pea ~ I am sorry I am late in commenting but I've been out-of-town. I really enjoyed this particular post of yours, though I enjoy all your posts...and I've pondered some of these thoughts too. You are one of my blog friends who enrich my life with your unique sense of humor, creative writing, mouth-watering recipes/cooking, a most awesome quilt studio and amazing gardens... not to mention words of support and encouragement you leave on our blog comments and genuine caring that comes through loud-and-clear. Thank YOU, Mama Pea, for your sweet friendship.
    PS I found myself the other day saying "I'm behind my behind"... made sense to me!

  27. Lisa - Dear Lady, you've made me blush! I certainly don't deserve all those lovely, kind words. I don't think even the most ardent pen pals of years gone by could form the kind of connection we as bloggers have been able to. Such a blessing that it's brought so many of us like-minded souls together into this wonderfully warm friendship. 'Tis to be treasured!

  28. I feel the same way! I learn so much from all our fellow bloggers and blog community of friends. Little gifts in the mail, notes, emails checking on me when I haven't posted in awhile, it's all awesome and really helps me to have faith that there ARE others out there who share the same types of interests and hobbies! We are all lucky indeed :)
