Thursday, January 19, 2012

Are We Still Here?

We had such horrendous winds (again!) last night I feared we might be doing a remake of "The Wizard of Oz."

It was 12 below zero when we got up this morning . . . which was not early, because we were up about three hours in the middle of the night fighting downdraft smoke in the house and 50 mph winds that threatened to batter us to a pulp. I had visions of all trees within sight being blown down. Fortunately, that was not the case once we were up and surveyed the scene.

We had gotten about 1-1/2" of snow when we went to bed but all of that was blown who-knows-where during the night and any open spaces are again scoured clean of snow.

But the day has dawned calm, and very cold with a high of -1 expected, and full of glorious sunshine. The birds at the feeders are zipping around like little maniacs on speed. They must have burned lots of calories trying to keep warm in that wind last night. (Where do they go for the night time hours? Do they just cling to a branch somewhere? And why don't the 50 mph winds tear them right off their perches?)

I guess winter has truly arrived in the North Woods.

The sunshine energizes me one moment, the next I feel like I'm going to fall asleep in my tracks which is no doubt from my abbreviated night's sleep. Maybe I need to follow the birds' example and go ingest more calories in order to make it through the day.

What? You think that's a pretty lame excuse for having a piece of the Raspberry Winter Crumble Pie sitting on the kitchen counter? Okay, you're right. I'll go have a big drink of water instead. (Whoopdeedo.)


  1. Water, hell! Go for the pie!!! with a "high" of minus one, you deserve the whole dang pie! I often wonder what the Joneses do during this storms (my multigenerational sparrow family). They must hold on for dear life. That kind of wind just makes me crazy. Glad things have calmed down and at least the sun is out. And glad you didn't blow away (-:

  2. Glad you survived that wind last night.And I have it on good authority that the birds have this hang out you see with a pool table and everything [ I know,a little birdie told ]I wonder what we are in for on friday?

  3. Holy Moly, that's a strong enough wind to blow the hair piece off Cher or Oprah or Marie Osmond or (fill in the blank). I shivered just reading this post. Glad to hear things are calm now even though it is way to cold to be outside. I always worry about the linemen such as the power people or the telephone ones when it gets that cold. It was in the high 20's here this morning but it rises as the day goes on especially if we have that same glorious sun. Warm compared to you. Wait right here as I am going to check your quilt blog ....... nope, still says Feb. 21. Guess you have had too much to do to quilt what with keeping your daughter's dogs and dealing with the snow and cold ... and baking Italian bread. OK, I will forgive you for now.

  4. Wow, sounds like the winds we had a few days ago:/ Glad to hear there wasn't any damage! And just for me, I would have gone for the pie......and a nap lol

  5. I vote for pie. And while your at it, maybe some ice cream. If you did blow away, wouldnt you be mad you didnt eat more pie?

  6. I think I need a better prescription for my eyes because that looks like a massive log for a bird feeder with a big ol' owl or something on it, what is that?! Just me being crazy probably, you are going to tell me it's some little chickadee, aren't you? Crazy that it's snowing with those low temps!

  7. Eat the pie! And I think 35 degrees is too cold!

  8. The wind started up in the middle of the night here. ....and I fought the downdraft too!! Whole house smelled like smoke. Thank goodness there was just a bit of a log left ...I hate it when that happens! One more cold night for you too??

  9. LOL, apparently it's just me... I was reading this post at the kids' music lessons and the birds looked huge in that photo, now I'm at home on my desktop computer and I see the birds normally.... I'm just crazy.

  10. Susan - No wonder I love you! You've got the right attitude!

    judy - Hope they have a nice little air-tight wood stove in there, too. What are we in for on Friday? More frigid weather!

    Karen L. - We kept marveling, as we were pacing and listening to the wind, that the power didn't go out. I'll bet there were power company guys with thermoses full of coffee and ready to go though.

    Haven't posted on my quilt blog since last Feb. 21, eh? Should I make it a full year with no posts? Nah, I'm not gonna let that happen.

    Stephanie - Pie and a nap. Oh, how delicious they both sound!

  11. Jane - That's what I love about you, Jane. You have SUCH good common sense!

    Erin - Yes, dearie, the picture was of three little chickadees on the peanut butter feeder. It's just a maple tree branch Papa Pea made as a suet or peanut butter feeder many, many moons ago. We have a flying squirrel and every now and then he cleans out the WHOLE FEEDER in one night. Little glutton!

    The Weekend Homesteader - Ha! When we lived in Illinois 32 or below was cold. Up here in Minnesota 0 or below is colder! It was cold today. Amen.

    dr momi - Yupper, looks that way. May be a three-dog night!

    Erin - You been chewin' on those espresso beans again??


  13. It was a crazy night! My kids wanted to know what happened to all the snow too. I always feel a bit sorry the animals on nights like that, even though I bring extra warm water to them and tuck them in as well as possible. It still seems awfully cold.
    By the way, I hope you went for the pie! ;)

  14. judy - No chance of snow in our forecast until Saturday . . . and then only 20-40%. Bah!

    Patty - Can you believe I had the big glass of water? What's WRONG with me??

    I know your animals were as snug as anyone could have made them. Goats can withstand a LOT of cold . . . if they are dry and out of the wind, as I'm sure yours were!

  15. That pie sounds amazing - do tell us more! Just the name alone evokes spasms of epicurian delight! The wind here has not stopped howling for three days. Our roof is rated for 110 MPH - a necessity living where we do. I need to get out before dark and look for things that have blown away...

  16. The winds hit us this afternoon and I could hear them howl down my fireplace all day. We are supposed to get some snow but so far nothing and the wind is gone now.
    Water or pie, well there is no choice. Have a piece of pie and then a glass of water to wash it down with.

  17. 2 Tramps - I did a blog post with the Winter Raspberry Crumble Pie recipe in it back in 2008. If you go over on my right hand side bar and scroll down to the "Search" box, and enter Winter Raspberry Crumble Pie, some entries should pop up. It's the December 5, 2008, post that has the recipe in it. Enjoy!

    Sparkless - I did have a piece of the pie for dessert tonight after dinner. Now I'll go have that glass of water you suggested to follow!

  18. I thought it was bad here yesterday when I went out to do some errands between snow showers and it was 20F(ish) and gusts of 30mph winds. What little snow was on the ground was drifting like sand dunes. The door of my car whipped open and I felt like I was walking across the Arctic tundra as I crossed into the building I was visiting. Today will be much the same only we have 70% chance of snow tonight and tomorrow.

  19. Jen - A wind is what can make almost any temperature unbearable. Don't hate me, but I'm actually hoping for snow for you so the kiddlies can finally use their new sleds!
