Sunday, April 18, 2010

Good Time Had By All

Even though I took some time off today (to quilt!), I did put three loads of rugs through the washer.

It was such a gorgeous day, I decided to hang them outside. Despite the fact that the sun was brightly shining all day, the temperature stayed cool. (We had a low overnight of 28 degrees and skim ice around the perimeter of the pond this morning.) So now at 7 o'clock in the evening, I've had to put the heaviest of the rugs in the dryer to finish them up.

I did get my blackberry pie made today also. Matter of fact, I put it in the oven at 5 a.m.

What can I say? I couldn't sleep (despite PLENTY of exercise and fresh air yesterday) so I got up and made like an early morning baker. (Do any of you remember that little advertising jingle: "At three in the morning when you're in bed, the Holsum bakers are baking bread . . . ")

Around about noon time I drove the guys to the hiking trail. Here they are at the trail head ready to take off. J, on the left, has a back pack filled with plastic jugs of water. He's trying to get in shape for a 40 mile hike he plans on doing in a month. (Does getting in shape for that sound like fun to you? It doesn't sound like fun to me.)

I spent the afternoon quilting. Fun, fun, fun! Six new summer placemats are pieced and sandwiched.

A very simple design (from a simple mind?) which went together in a snap. (Well okay, in several hours.)

The center of each one is a different fabric. I'm machine quilting them so they'll hold up through many washings. (We're sloppy eaters.) I have three quilted and am working on the fourth. Then to bind them all, and I'll be done.

Looks like another cool night coming . . . it's down to 38 degrees already. 68 degrees in here so I may go start a little fire in the wood stove.

Hope you all had a good weekend.


  1. Oh, that pie looks soooo good. Lovely placemats, too.

  2. Geez, it must have been one of those days when the lake (being close to it) makes all the difference! I was sweating out in the garden (in a t-shirt) and was just thinking, "Hey, I live in the sticks and so I can garden shirtless if I want," when I heard a car go by out on the road . . . which nixed that idea! But, you get the idea: it was warm(er) here today.

  3. YOU are an amazing woman! :) Beautiful placemats! Yummy looking pie! Now I'm hungry...

  4. So you pretty much got everything done you wanted to yesterday - amazing! Love the placemats. Wow, it must be a real guess every year when to set plants out in the garden with those night time temps! When are you guaranteed to have night time temps in the 40's up there? (or never? LOL)

  5. Hi, Jo - Thanks for the kind words. For my first blackberry pie ever, it turned out pretty good. Could have used a smidge less tapioca as thickener but I was flying by the seat of my pants on this one.

    Hey, Chickie Mama - Well, our micro-climates in the county strike again! We were truly cool all day yesterday.

    Hi, Patty - Well, m'dear, it's a lot easier to be "amazing" (ya, sure!) WITHOUT four little kiddlies thrown into the mix that you're responsible for!

    Hey, Erin - It used to be that we could pretty much count on a frost at night all the darn way through May. But we've definitely been in a warming trend so the last few years, it's been the first part of May when the frosts vacate the area. This year, I sure wouldn't be surprised if it was earlier than that.
