Wednesday, July 23, 2008

The Best Laid Plans

Remember the picture I posted a couple of weeks ago of the 35 foot row of cosmos I had planted at the north end of the field garden? By now I'd expected them to be a riot of blooming color. Well, as you can see by this picture taken this morning, I've got color, but not exactly a riot thereof.

I started the cosmos inside this spring with seeds from two different packets I had from last year. One variety I had grown many times before and knew it would produce a plethora (ha!) of white, burgundy, pink and rose colored flowers. The other packet was labeled simply "Cosmos" and had been a freebie sent with some other seeds ordered. I started about 20 plants from each packet and then set them out, alternating the two varieties, in the garden row.

As you can see, the "mystery" cosmos are a'bloomin' away, all one color, all yellow. Guess I should have known better than to plant the generically labeled cosmos. Why did I assume they would be a lovely medley of colors? Should probably be glad they didn't turn out to be miniatures that grew only 4" tall. My white/burgundy/pink/rose colored variety has but a couple of plants in bloom --- all pink. Very disappointing.

Next year: The row will be assorted giant snapdragons. Then we'll see some color!

P.S. I'm STILL having troubles with my blog entries being published with incorrect layouts. Sometimes I get no paragraphing at all and sometimes "almost" paragraphs, but not quite. I'm working on it. Please be patient with my less than easy-to-read copy. Thanks.

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