Saturday, October 17, 2020

Seasonal Update (Brrrr) . . . and A Giveaway

Our fall colors are gone.  All gone.  Although it was a glorious season with more vibrant colors than usual, the trees are just about totally bare now, and our landscape is waiting for a soft blanket of snow to cover the current drabness.

My garden is tucked in for the winter.  Well, all except for my gladioli which are still standing up sturdy and green.  I'll give them a little more time and am hoping to get the bulbs dug and brought inside to cure before the ground freezes solidly.

We had a temp of 26° this morning with snow forecast to start around noon time and continue through early Sunday morning.  Will we actually get an accumulation on the ground?  Time will tell.  The forecasted temperatures say we will.

Papa Pea came in from chores this morning stating that it certainly feels like winter outside now.  Even the air has a different feel to it.  At 26°, I would think so.

We have a few things to accomplish outside before the predicted snowfall arrives.  Stashing the deck furniture away for the season is one of them.  But if we don't get to that on the list, it won't be the first time there has been an early snowfall on it.

I mentioned having a giveaway of some Thanksgiving-themed potholders a post or two back.  

These I'm putting up for grabs don't specifically say "Thanksgiving" but are still appropriate to the season.

If you're interested in having your name included in the drawing for them, let me know by sharing what your plans are for Thanksgiving this year.  I know it will be a different holiday for many of us because of . . . well, all that we're still having to factor into our lives.  I've read in the past that Thanksgiving Weekend is the busiest travel time of the whole year, but I'd bet dollars to donuts that statistic will change this year.  (A different and not happy situation for many of us.)

I'll add names to the drawing for the potholders until Monday night (October 19th) when I shut down my computer and the winner will be posted on Tuesday morning.

Everybody can use a brand spanking new pair of potholders, right?  Or they would make a nice little gift for someone you know.  Interested? 


Rae said...

More than likely, it will be just my husband and myself. I will cook a turkey breast with the usual Minnesota sides - dressing, mashed potatoes with gravy, squash, pickled beets and followed up with a nice piece of pumpkin pie with homemade whipped cream. A whole turkey is way more than we need anymore. He gets a free one through work but will donate it as our little freezer is full. We had a bit of snow here, yesterday. (50 miles or so north of the cities) The kids across the street were trying to slide on the little hill in front of their house. I know someone who's looking forward to snow. I don't mind as long as it's not 3 feet at a time or -40 degrees below zero - heh. I think your potholders are very nice and you do very neat work. Your life is quite a bit different up there in the arrowhead. Enjoy your posts very much. Stay warm. Ranee (MN)

Kathy said...

Lovely pot holders! Our plans for Thanksgiving haven't been addressed yet. Last year we had plans for our immediate family of 10 to come to our house in northern MN but the weather took care of that and we had to cancel. Here's hoping this years weather will allow us to gather together.

Anonymous said...

I love these potholders! You have so much talent. We will host Thanksgiving with our 2 kids and their spouses (and 3 grandsons under 3 years old!) It is one of my favorite days of the year! Turkey, stuffing, and all the trimmings. After dinner, we’re putting together 2 LEGO Christmas sets: a gingerbread house and the Christmas train. Great family traditions❤️

Joyce F said...

Pretty potholders and they look very seasonal. I'm thinking we are probably going to be spending Thanksgiving Day at home. Our sons and families live in the hot spot for the virus in our state (Kansas). We haven't really made plans but if I make turkey it will be a turkey breast, something cranberry and pumpkin pie, and of course potatoes.

Mama Pea said...

Ranee - Thank you for all your kind words. Our snow is coming down right now and the soil in my garden beds is becoming covered in white. But the temp is holding at 35° so I don't expect it to last. I've got your name in the drawing!

Kathy - Your family group of 10 will be a wonderful gathering at Thanksgiving. Let's hope it all works out. You're entered!

JD - Three grandsons under the age of 3!! What a joy. And, oh, the time those three will have together. I do envy you. It will be a boisterous, joyful Thanksgiving at your house. Thanks so much for the compliments on my handwork. You're in the drawing!

Joyce F - Sad to hear that your whole family most likely won't be together for the holiday. Let's all hope things are a lot better by Christmas time. I've added your name to the drawing.

R's Rue said...


Katie C. said...

Snow?! Eek! It’s 60 here right now in northern Virginia. It’s a glorious weekend. I’m not ready for any of those “s” words, snow, sleet, ....

Thanksgiving will just be me and my guy. There’s just too much risk. I have a turkey breast in the freezer that I’m embarrassed to say, has been in there almost a year. Oops. Stuffing is a must along with mashed potatoes and gravy. I like to use Michael Symon’s make ahead gravy recipe that he did on “The Chew” several years back. Veggies will be served too. I’ll just have to see what the store has. Once it has been cooked, some of the turkey will probably go back into the freezer so we don’t start clucking. ;-)

I can always use another set of pot holders. I accidentally set on of mine on fire recently. Not a good thing. I’m a better cook than that sounds. I like to cook!

Anonymous said...

If the vaccine is out by then we'll be the first ones in line for it and will have a traditional meal with extended family. Otherwise, it'll just be the 4 of us. I've already bought two pre-herbed turkey breasts with stuffing and such. It'll be great no matter what the circumstances!

Lisa B said...

I am sleeping in (if the sheep allow me too). I am not cooking this year either. Just another day I believe.

Mama Pea said...

R's Rue - Thanks! You're entered.

Katie C. - Lots of folks relying on turkey breasts this year. Both hubby and I prefer the dark turkey meat so it's always a whole turkey here. I knew a gal who set fire to either a potholder or kitchen towel about once a week. Can you believe it? Never set her house on fire as far as I know. Your name is in the drawing for this set of (as yet) unburned potholders!

Anonymous Melanie - Here's hoping your Thanksgiving does turn out to be one with your extended family. But, unfortunately, I have my doubts regarding a vaccine being available by then. You're right though, we can all make the day as happy as we can with a little effort! I put your name in for the drawing.

Lisa B - Oh, yes, I can remember more than one Thanksgiving when I had absolutely no desire to cook . . . or be around anyone. Fortunately, those days are past and they will be for you, too. I've put your name in for the drawing. said...

I have spent every holiday alone for at least 10 or 12 years. I'm used to it and it's cheaper and less work intensive! LOL! Although I do make a big feast but just for me. Throw my name in the ring, please. Those potholders are lovely! I would use them under a candle jar. They're too pretty to put in a drawer! Thank you for being so generous.
We are just now seeing colors and many of the trees are still green but it is changing fast and the leaves are falling. Our peak is usually the end of October. We had a frost warning but no frost and this coming week it will be high 60's and 70's but also rain. The hummers were last seen on the 12th. I miss them but not the heat of summer! Enjoy your snow!

Mama Pea said...

Sam - Being "alone" does not have to be lonely. And I always admire the fact that you take the time and planning and care to prepare good, nutritious meals for the one person at your table . . . that being you! Our hummers leave each year right around the 15th of September, just like clockwork. How do they know? Thank you for the nice things you've said about the potholders. Your name is in the drawing!

Dee said...

Beautiful work and perfect for the upcoming holiday. Not sure - hoping to spend it with sister and her husband but our county & town are current hot spots. Hoping it'll "cool off" over the next month, otherwise I'll cook a small turkey. Meal won't be as elaborate but there will be plenty of leftovers.

Mama Pea said...

Dee - I thought this set would be appropriate for all the autumn season right up to and through Thanksgiving. Thanks for the nice words. I know most people's plans for the coming holidays (Christmas included) are up in the air as of yet. 2020 continues to be an unsettled year for us all. I'm adding your name to the drawing list!

coffeeontheporchwithme said...

Hi there! I agree about this being one of the most beautiful Autumns we have had in a long time. We still have lots of colour here. I certainly hope we don't have snow in our in our near future. I'm not ready for that!! I hope yours isn't too bad. We have had our Thanksgiving (it was this past weekend) and we just had a very small gathering - no extended family this year. But it was nice, nonetheless. Have a good rest of your weekend! -Jenn

Unknown said...

Beautiful potholders. And in my favorite colors. We will have a small family gathering. My son and his girlfriend will join us. My husband will cook the meal as usual, and I will be in charge of cleanup. I'm not always sure I get the better end of that deal! He is a much better cook than I, so I'm sure we will enjoy the meal.

Anonymous said...

We are having localfamily here, as we do every year. Prime rib dinner for us beef ranchers, and plenty of apple and pumpkin pie. Vicki

Michelle said...

Yes, interested -- and thank you!

Brian will be home from college for Thanksgiving, and Rick's mom is flying in her youngest granddaughter from her doctoral program at Baylor for Thanksgiving, so I'm sure we will be expected to gather at my MIL's home for the occasion. Praying we all stay healthy!

Nancy In Boise said...

Will be having Thanksgiving at our house and we're hosting our kids all live in the area so we will be getting together. If anybody is really sick we will ask them to stay home! And then we'll send them some leftovers the next day haha

Sparkless said...

Well since I'm in Canada we've already had our Thanksgiving. We spent it just the three people who live in our house. Made a turkey roll, dressing, mashed potatoes, baked yams, beans, carrots, pumpkin pie and apple pie. Usually we would have got together with family but this year we all stayed in our own home groups. I'm okay with it because I know that this won't last forever and even though I miss getting together with my family on holidays it's best we stay apart for now. I can always use new potholders because the husband wears them out fast! You are so talented and make such beautiful items so add my name to the draw if you can ship to Canada and if not I understand.

Tressa said...

Ours plans are uncertain this year. I do know it will involve my daughter's family. More than likely we will be at our farm way out in the country.

Rosalea said...

Snow, Mama Pea? Yeah!!I hope it is coming this way! We're ready! Sorry folks, but I love snow and winter and all the good stuff that goes along with it...crispy walks, long snowshoe hikes, warm woolies, critter tracks in the snow, and inside, warmth, comfort food and crafting. Lovely pot holders, Mama Pea, as always! Your work is beautiful. We had a turkey and all the trimmings for TG, and lots of leftovers. Still a bit of soup left from simmering the bones. We usually celebrate American TG with a Canadianized American friend we've known for 40+ years. Sadly, that won't be happening this year. So usually we have two TG's. Happy Thanksgiving!

Mama Pea said...

Jenn - Yes, I know you have your Thanksgiving in October which, by the way, I think is so much more sensible than ours which is too, too close to Christmas and New Year's. I put your name in the drawing!

Unknown - Well, clean up from a big meal like Thanksgiving can be a lot, but so can prepping all the wonderful food. I've never been offered that deal but wouldn't pass it up!! Your name is entered.

Anonymous Vicki - Being beef ranchers makes prime rib a very sensible (and delicious!) choice! (Although I would miss the turkey leftovers.) Sounds as though there will be lots of apple pies and pumpkin pies at many tables! You're in the running for the potholders.

Michelle - Good you all can get together. So many people are starting to associate with loved ones now and I'm sure you all will be fine. Being healthy as a normal thing helps a lot! I've added you to the drawing.

Nancy - Anybody who is really sick these days needs to stay away from EVERYBODY! And I'm sure your family will be sensible about it. (And any leftovers sent to them - think turkey soup! - will make them better!) Your name is in the drawing.

Sparkless - Your dinner sounded like it was yummy. Except for the carrots. I dislike cooked carrots. Keeping the gathering small is what a lot of folks have chosen to do. I'm putting your name "in the hat!"

Tressa - Our plans are still "iffy" this year, too. But we'll all be grateful for whomever ends up at the table, right? Your name is in the drawing.

Rosalea - You and I feel the same way about winter. What could be cozier? (Well, putting on and then taking off all the outside clothing gets to be tiresome after a while, but I still prefer winter over summer! Wait, though, what about my garden??) Thanks for the nice words about the potholders. You're in the running for them.

Bonnie Schulte said...

Love your potholders. The colors are so pretty. Not sure what husband and I will be doing for Thanksgiving this year. It will be the two of us, unless he decides to go deer hunting up North, with our sons and grandsons. We talked about it, but think this year he might stay home. We'll just have turkey breast,with gravy and dressing and cranberry "fluff" and pumpkin pie with whipped cream. Even tho it'll be just us, we'll keep in touch with the kids by phone. It's sure is a different time in our life, as it is for everybody else. Thanks for the chance to win a potholder,hope I'm not too late to enter. Bonnie from central Wisconsin.

Mama Pea said...

Bonnie Schulte - Not too late at all! Thanks for being interested in them. Yes, Thanksgiving is traditionally a true "family" time, but this year we've all had to make adjustments. Since the gatherings don't seem like they'll be large, turkey breasts certainly are popular. There may just be three around our table on Thanksgiving. And that's fine. (Less dishes!) Your name is entered.

Anonymous said...

The pot holders are gorgeous! I admire your talent & patience for quilting. After many years hosting a large, traditional Thanksgiving meal with various family members, it’ll just be hubby and me this year. I recently lost both my brother-in-law and my mom so I think it’s time start a new tradition. I’m leaning toward a day of relaxation and only fixing my favorite part of the meal - pumpkin pie! 😋 ~Janis in Oregon

Barb Walsh said...

We hope to have all of our family join us for Thanksgiving. It will be our first one in our new house. I love Thanksgiving and your blog! Thanks for the chance to win some of the beauty that you craft!

SmartAlex said...

We had 28* on Saturday morning, but followed with another gorgeous day. That freeze with this week's constant rain will knock down all of the glorious colors we had. But it was an incredible two weeks, and we need the rain badly. I still have odds and ends to do like storing dahlia bulbs and pulling the last remaining Marigolds and Geraniums which didn't survive the frost as well as I had thought they did. They look pretty ratty this morning in the rain! And then it will all be bare. But there is something very satisfying about a clean slate in the fall.

BethB from Indiana said...

Not sure what we will do. I have two families--my side and my husband's side. I'd rather be with my side; he could care less about the whole holiday. With Covid, and the two of us being health-compromised--he's 87 and a diabetic, I'm "only" 70 but have MS. The smart thing would be to stay at home away from everyone.

Mama Pea said...

Anonymous Janis - Sorry to hear of your recent losses. That in itself would make for a different Thanksgiving in your family. There's nothing wrong with making this year different: quiet, peaceful, comforting . . . and eating pumpkin pie! You are entered for the drawing and thank you for your nice words.

Barb Walsh - Thanksgiving is a perfect time to celebrate your new home! Thanks for the kind words and you are entered for a chance to win the potholders.

SmartAlex - I so agree with you concerning the clean garden slate in the fall. The last of my geraniums got repotted for indoors this weekend. (Daughter took most, I kept one.) You've been added to the drawing.

BethB - It's hard to know what is "the best" thing to do for this upcoming holiday season. So many lives have been disrupted already that I sometimes think we need to hold and hug all the family we can. I know you'll make the best decision for the both of you. Your name is added to the others.