Thursday, October 13, 2011

The Painting Outside The Window

We had a lovely, steady drizzling rain all day today.

I took this picture from inside the kitchen this afternoon looking outside at the maple tree planted close to the house. You can see a pumpkin or two sitting in the window box.

The colors right outside the window don't look real to me. Almost as though they are painted on the panes of glass.

Even though Papa Pea and I both had full days today, I think the wet, gray weather made us slow down a bit. Or maybe just switch to a slower gear since we were inside most of the day.

I paid (what felt like) a dozen bills, baked Gingersnap Cookies and a pan of Apricot Bars after coming home from a dental appointment and stop at our organic co-op where my quick zip through turned into a 45 minute affair because of everyone I saw and chatted with. It was comical that nearly everyone said some version of, "Isn't this a gorgeous day!" when it was raining and we were all walking around in dripping rain gear. Obviously it meant everyone was very grateful for the rain after our very dry spell.

I just went out to check the rain gauge which shows we got slightly under 1-1/2" of rain. Every drop very welcomed. I hope our mud puddle of a pond has lots of water from the hills behind us flowing into it tonight. The wild Mallards and our geese will be happy to have their water freshened up.

While checking the rain gauge out on our front deck, I felt the stiff breeze that we heard come up an hour or so ago. Even in the shadows from the deck light I could see the maple tree in the picture above has lost about half the leaves it had when I took the picture a few hours ago. A rain/wind storm always signals the end of our beautiful fall foliage. But the color display lasted longer than usual this year to make it halfway through October. It has been a nice fall!


Carolyn said...

We had some much-needed rain yesterday also, and it was BEAUTIFUL! Cool, but not too cold, fresh scent of rain & fall smells in the air. That view out your window is beautiful.

Sparkless said...

Beautiful picture! I need to get out with my camera and capture me some fall pictures.
I also need to pick out some pumpkins and this weekend is the time we will do this because the weather is going to be sunny.
Glad you got some rain and I hope you get just the right amount.

Sue said...

Such a beautiful picture. I was hoping the rain would hold off a few more days until the kids leave, but we do indeed need it. It's been a beautiful autumn-but now I'm very ready to get "hunkered in" for the winter and get cooking/baking/painting/practising piano/reading/and whatever new I can come up with. I know you will be ready to settle in with some quilting and putting the final touches on your remodel. It's so nice to have the change of seasons.
End of Novel.
Have a great weekend, Mama Pea!

Anonymous said...

I love that picture:) We have been in a "slow down" mode too, and you are right, weather plays a big part. We got nearly a week of rain, a day or two of sun, now we are back to rain. Makes your body change without any input from you lol.

Lisa said...

What a beautiful view right outside your window to enjoy from the comfort, warmth, dryness of your home! Our colors are just now beginning to slowly change with peak usually the end of Oct. We've had some much needed rain here in SC too, though today looks like sun and blue skies.

judy said...

I zoomed in on that-gorgeous and thats 2 days this week now I'm craving ginger snaps or something along those lines-I'm gonna make time today after I make the baby some applesauce

Anonymous said...

Your picture is so calming.

We are in for a beautiful weekend here in the Ohio Valley.
I wish we would have rain. Those rainy days make for a cozy home.


Erin said...

That photo really is beautiful! Glad you are getting some much needed rain, I heard the colors back home were even more stunning than usual this year!

Susan said...

It does look like a painting! What a beautiful sight. I just love Fall, even if it's so fleeting. Almost all of the leaves are off the glorious red maple across the road, thanks to wind and rain.

Jane @ Hard Work Homestead said...

Somehow I become very unproductive on these rainy dark days. I am like the dogs, I just want to lay around all day

Mama Pea said...

Carolyn Renee - Glad you got some rain, too. Today is gray and blowsy but no rain falling so far.

Sparkless - Hubby reports he thinks the pond came up about 6". Wa-hoo!

Sue - I know you're in the midst of enjoying your visitors. Smooch that little grandbabe a couple of times for me. He's at a smoochable age!

Stephanie - I think our bodies (and moods) react to weather more than we ever think they do!

Lisa - " . . . comfort, warmth, dryness of your home." Yup, I think we should all be even more grateful than we are that we are blessed with that.

judy - 'Tis the season for spiced sweet bread, gingersnaps AND applesauce!

Mama Pea said...

cindy - Your "Ohio valley" conjures up images of beautiful fall colors and just the right crisp temperatures. Enjoy!

Erin - If only you could throw dogs, kids and hubby in the trusty Subaru and head for Minnesota! You know there's hardly a lovelier time of year!

Susan - Yupper, our wind and rain did in most of our leaves overnight, too. Darn. Now for the drabness of November before the snow comes and makes everything beautiful again.

Jane - Yaaaawn! Now you're making me sleepy. Most of the time, gray and wet days energize me. I've had so little time for baking all summer that I've been burnin' up my bowls and wooden spoons the last couple of days. Sure does make the aroma inside wonderful when you come in from outside.

Leigh said...

Funny, but my DH hates dark, drizzly days while I love them! Of course, to him they meant no playing ball outside when he was a kid. To me, they meant the opportunity to snuggle up with a good book. LOL.

What I especially noticed about your photo, was your gorgeous kitchen window!

Mama Pea said...

Leigh - Thanks for the compliment on the window! We put the windows in 15 years ago when we stripped this place down to the studs. We had contemplated taking out one set of double windows and replacing it with a floor to ceiling storage cabinet in the kitchen but changed our minds. Wall space is at a premium in the kitchen because of the windows, but they are important, too!