Monday, September 20, 2010

Time to Get Cookin'

This past week I got an e-mail from one of my most favorite people in the world. She reads my blog but never comments in the comment section. I do so wish she would though because she writes with a quirky sense of humor that would brighten your day as it always does mine.

Last week she asked me to shape up and start posting more recipes. In part she wrote: "So, I say the more recipes, the better. Now put down that hoe or chainsaw or shovel or beer and get to it. I'm hungry."

Okay, K of the Ps, this one is for you.

This past Friday morning when our canoeing plans were kaboshed by the windy drizzle, I decided to whip up a batch of Jam Dandy Muffins. This recipe is adapted from a 1968 copy of Pillsbury's Bake Off Breads Cook Book and I've probably made it a million times. Okay, so maybe I haven't made it a million times, but I'll bet my daughter has. It's a favorite of hers and I think she's given a plate of these muffins to nearly everyone in the county. At least twice.


1-2/3 cups white flour (I frequently use spelt or whole wheat)
1/2 cup honey (sugar is okay, but they will be more moist with honey)
2 teaspoons baking powder
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/4 (scant) teaspoon nutmeg
1/3 cup butter
3/4 cup milk
1 egg
Jam of your choice

Combine the flour, sugar (if using instead of honey), baking powder, salt and nutmeg. Cut in butter until particles are fine. Add milk, honey (if using instead of sugar), and egg. Mix just until thoroughly blended. (Don't over-mix.)

Spoon into 12 greased muffin cups. Place about 1 teaspoon jam on top of each muffin, pressing into the batter slightly. Sprinkle tops of muffins with sugar.

Bake at 400 degrees for 20-25 minutes. Be careful not to over-bake as I did on Friday . . . fortunately, they were still edible.

For this batch I used (from bottom row to top) raspberry, apricot and blueberry jam.

With an assortment of jams, everyone gets to pick their favorite.

Yummy good breakfast we had!

So, dear readers, if you get tired of seeing too many recipes here in the coming months, just let me know and I'll give you K's address so you can send her hate mail. She'll love it.


Jane @ Hard Work Homestead said...

I keep canning jam, but I just don't like it. But this recipe is something I could eat. Thank goodness an answer to all that jam!!! Thanks so much.

Erin said...

I remember hearing about these, and it was probably one of your posts! Thanks for the recipe!

Here I am reading blogs instead of posting again!

Susan said...

You know, it's one thing to go with you on a 'virtual' hike -- now we will be faced with recipes that I will have to try. There will be nothing 'virtual' about the lard butt I will be a'growin'.

Mama Pea said...

jane - What's with you, girl? You don't like your jam? Are you making "bad" jam or is it just you?? I'll bet a lot of people would be pickled tink to get a jar of your "bad" jam for Christmas! :o)

Erin - Or one of Chickie Mama's posts. I remember her talking about taking a batch to the guys who were logging near her and keeping part of her 4 mile driveway plowed of snow.

Commenting, not blogging. That's okay. As long as we keep hearing from you, we know you're still alive and kickin'!

Susan - Hahaha! I'm betting in reality you have one skinny little butt!

Erin said...

Logger guys.... you are exactly right!

Karen Sue said...

YUM!! I have 2 in college now and I like to think of things I can send back with them, besides just cookies, although those disappear pretty quick.

LindaCO said...

Those look yummy - thanks for posting the recipe.

Marty said...

Ok, your favorite (OK, only) brother-in-law says - MORE RECIPES! Everyone I've gotten is a winner

Jenyfer Matthews said...

Rumor has it Mama Pea used to run a restaurant so I'm guessing all her recipes are fail-safe :)

Going to try this one really soon. My children will thank you!

Anonymous said...

YUM, thanks for sharing!:)

translation service said...
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Mama Pea said...

Karen Sue - TWO in college!? Just don't know how parents do it these days. Guess one of the things we can do is keep them supplied with goodies. (Heck, with the high cost of postage today, you can't even really afford to send them goodie boxes. You're wise to send treats with them when they leave after visiting!)

Linda - You're welcome, hope they work when you get to try them.

Marty - You're generous with your sweet words . . . but then you and your brother will eat about anything. ;o)

Jen - My cooking fail-safe? HA! Just ask the chickens about my failures! ('Course, maybe they'd say, "Well, better than that dry old ground up grain we get every day.")

Give your two kiddlies a hug for me. They are sweeties.

Stephanie - You are welcome!

RuthieJ said...

Yum! Can't wait to try this recipe.
I don't think you can ever post too many recipes. All of them that I've tried have been winners!

Mama Pea said...

Ruthie - Well, thank you very much for the nice compliment! I've gotten enough encouragement that I will dare to post some more recipes. After all, we all like to eat . . . and sometimes trying something new really helps the meal time preparation.

Leigh said...

Oh yes! This recipe looks perfect for all that apple butter I canned!

Mama Pea said...

Leigh - Oh, but your apple butter would be SO good on toast in the morning! M-m-m-m . . .

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Blend the flour and sugars if using instead of baby, preparing your receipee dust, sea and nutmeg. Start cut in butter until debris are good. Must take advantage of baby that using instead of sugars and egg.