Saturday, October 10, 2009

Good-Bye Summer, Hello Winter

This is the sight that greeted us at dawn this morning.

Hmmm, methinks it's time we mulched the strawberries.

And (sigh) put the deck furniture away.


Claire said...

We even had snow down here this morning!! It's going to make for a cold trick-or-treat night!

Sue said...

Yup, I'm furiously trying to clean up the garden, so I can get mulch on everything. It's been a SHORT SHORT summer.

Jennifer Jo said...

And yesterday it was 85 degrees here!

MaineCelt said...

Oh dear. I am not ready. Rumour in our neck of the woods is that we'll get our first snow on Monday-- the same day the butcher is coming to pick up our eight pigs for their date with destiny. If it would just hold off a week or so... I, too, need to mulch the strawberries!

Mama Pea said...

Claire - From reports we've heard, it was even colder in southern MN than in northern! This weather is whacky.

Sue - I think we should all just write this summer (ha! what summer?) off and try for a fresh start next year!

Mama JJ - It was so crazy in that last week we had some of our warmest temps of the summer. Go figure!

MaineCelt - We're forecast 2-3" of snow tomorrow but everyone keeps saying that we'll have some warm days in October yet. Wishful thinking?

You have eight piggies going to market? You will have delicious pork this winter! (And some cash coming in from them too.)

Erin said...

Unbelievable! I know you hate it so early, but I have to say I miss it! Wait til I move back though, it won't take me long so start complaining about the cold again, lol!

Mama Pea said...

Erin - Actually, the early snow makes me have hopes for that elusive "long, slow winter" (ha!) when I have as much time for reading, quilting, etc. that I never seem to get.

It's just that when cold and snow do come this early, I'm caught with too many outside chores that still need doing . . . and may not get done this year!

When you "retire" back here in MN, rather than getting tired of the cold, I think you'll remember all too well the hot, humid mugginess of the South and be grateful!!