We were blessed late last night with a bit over an inch of wonderful rain. It was much needed and frees up some time for me today. I was planning on spending a good portion of the day setting up and moving sprinklers to water our parched garden and berry patches but now I don't have to.
For several hours last night we were under the threat of a severe thunderstorm, high winds and damaging hail. All of our windows were open in an effort to bring in the slightly cooling outside air. We listened to rolling thunder in the distance for about an hour and a half before the storm hit with rain, wind and a lot of commotion! How it was possible I don't know, but all of a sudden rain was blowing in every single open window no matter the facing direction. The two of us must have looked like Energizer Bunnies running from one area to the other closing things up.
No hail fell and I'm truly surprised that we got as much rain as we did because although the storm was fierce, it didn't last very long. This morning our temp is way back up there, it's humid as could be and everything outside shows evidence of a good soaking.
Do you think these jack-o-lantern pumpkins have a chance of making it?
The peas don't seem to be progressing as fast as they should. 'Course, this is NOT pea growing weather!
On the other hand, it IS bean growing weather, and THEY don't seem to be progressing as fast as they should either.
I started these cosmos inside and although they have grown a lot since I set them out . . . come on, Flowers! Where are you?
The potatoes are starting to blossom which means I should be able to carefully pilfer a few new potatoes soon. We've been without taters for a very long time. I'd love to make some potato salad for the 4th of July, but it may be pushing it a bit to do so. Patience, Mama Pea, patience.
Our humidity was high yesterday, too. Some of my laundry hanging outside on the line didn't dry so knowing the storm was predicted, I threw the last of the damp things in the dryer. I had planned on washing sheets today, but I'm wondering if even they wouldn't dry outside in this still air and heavy humidity.
Sorry so many of you still need rain and didn't get it as we did. Hoping a good soaking is heading your way soon. I know you desperately need it.
Roger Brings Them Home
14 hours ago
We're getting desperate for rain. I'm so glad you got a soaking. A good rain makes everything better.
You know a post that begins with 'we got an inch of rain' typically makes me say a bad word and shut the computer down. But I didnt, I read it all the way through. I have such rain envy I dont know what to do with myself. Another storm is coming today that is projected to go around me again. I dont really know what 'fit to be tied' means, but I think that I am!!!
Sobbing. Uncontrollable sobbing.
Although I am grateful that you are getting some moisture.
We are way below normal, too. But, luckily, the temps are not as high as in some places. Are we on the brink of something? None of my vegetables are where they should be this time of year, but I'm just happy they are there. And that chipmunks are picky. They are predicting t-storms tonight and in the morning, so we will see. Even if we do get the rain, it isn't enough to make a huge difference. Maybe, if we ALL do a rain dance at the same time, the Universe will listen?
p.s. Jane, 'fit to be tied' may mean you are headed for a straight jacket! C'mon rain! Save Jane!
That sideways rain is tricky. I know it's been windy and rainy when there are raindrops on our upstairs windows (which are protecte by a huge overhang) AND on our front porch window which of course is protected by the whole porch. It was nice to feel that slightly cooler air this morning; though it didn't last long.
(Let's all send happy rain thoughts to Jane and pray she gets some rain ASAP!)
JJ - I know you're in an area that needs rainfall so much. Really, really hoping you get it. Even watering the garden with sprinkler or hose doesn't give it what it needs as a good rain does.
Jane - Do you know I felt guilty writing about our rain when so much of the country needs it desperately and is not getting it. And when it doesn't come, there's not a darn thing you can do about it. I can totally understand your super-frustrated feelings and am hoping rain finds you soon.
Glad you got some much needed rain. We've been floating in too much rain but it looks like it's going to clear up later this week and then we will be roasting.
CR - Oh, I know you need the rain so much. As I said, I almost feel selfish talking about the rain we got when you didn't get any. When you do finally get some, you'll need a lot to catch up.
Susan - Yep, it's one thing when our garden crops just aren't growing like they should but add extreme hot weather and drought on top of that and it makes almost impossible circumstances . . . as our dear Jane is experiencing.
We got a good bit of rain in the early morning hours as well and I too was grateful - I didn't have to do sprinkler duty today and all the plants I've been moving around got a good soaking!
Aimee - I know we'd ALL like to end Jane's very real suffering! If only it were in our power, it would be done in a nano second.
Sparkless - Well, too high heat with enough moisture is still, I think, better than the same with no moisture. Geesh, we've got to even this out some way.
Jen - They say the very most important thing to do when moving established plants is to water then adequately. Glad the rain helped you, too!
MP, Glad you got some rain! We had a bout 1/2 inch the other night, same sideways winds. Everythings so darn dry the sprinklers need to be on full time. We cry over lack of rain and then again when the water bill comes in 8-/
Katidids - We're lucky enough to have a good well and the pond to draw garden water from. So we can water as much as we want but it's still just not the same as getting real rain on the garden.
I heard you had storms again yesterday, I hope they were more of a good soaking kind and not destructive!
Erin - 3/4" more of rain yesterday. High winds but no hail or destruction of any kind. This rain is REALLY helping us. Some areas to the west have been getting hail though which is not good.
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